7 Unusual (but Delicious) Uses for Ketchup

7 Unusual (but Delicious) Uses for Ketchup

What comes to mind when someone says "ketchup"? Why, there are all the usual things — burgers, fries, sloppy Joes, barbecue sauce, franks, and yes, even eggs. But with ketchup, as with many things in life, there are unforeseen things on the horizon.

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And while we're on the subject, another question inevitably springs to mind. While there are many companies today that make equally good ketchup, it's hard to deny that the most common bottle in diners, coffee shops, and burger joints is still a glass one with a "57" on it. What does the "57" mean on those ubiquitous glass bottles? One can speculate to no end. Was this particular formulation, perhaps, created in 1957? No, too obvious. Perhaps, the product's name was changed to "ketchup" from "catsup" to reflect common usage by that time. Or the sauce was the 57th in the company's lineup, or more interestingly, the company had tried 56 different formulations of ketchup (becoming obsessed over various combinations of vinegar, tomato product, salt, corn syrup, and bleh, anchovies) before finally achieving success with those taste-test panels (probably by omitting the anchovies). Who knows?

We could go on to hint at what sorts of strange (but delicious) dishes feature ketchup, but we don't want to spoil the surprise. We're willing to bet that most people won't see these coming.

Check out the slideshow above for seven usual uses for ketchup! Then, check out the best of summer style from our friends at StyleList, like How to Look Thinner in Your Bathing Suit.

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