7 Eating Habits of Skinny People


By Rachel Grumman Bender

What if you could eat healthier and lose weight without having to give it much thought? It sounds like a pipedream, but science shows it's entirely possible.

In his book "Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life" (September 23, 2014), Brian Wansink, Ph.D., director of Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, points out that each of us makes more than 200 nearly subconscious food choices every day: Side salad or potato chips? Finish the sandwich or leave half for later? Cookies or a piece of fruit? And we're nudged to make either healthy or unhealthy decisions by our eating environment, from the size of our plates to how easily we can reach the candy on our desks.

As Wansink notes: "It's good to understand nutrition, but it's much more effective to change our eating environment."

He believes that becoming "slim by design"—in other words, designing your environment to help you automatically make healthier choices—works better than trying to lose weight through sheer willpower.

Check out the slideshow above for seven habits of skinny people.

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