7 Deliciously Easy Baking Hacks

7 Deliciously Easy Baking Hacks

Baking can be a ton of fun, until you realize that you've forgotten an essential ingredient. It is a glorious and delicious science experiment after all, so it's very important to follow recipes carefully, and missing one ingredient can pose a problem. Sometimes your brown sugar is too hard, or you've forgotten to buy whipped cream at the grocery store. The good news is that there are many easy hacks you can use to solve these issues with the help of a few common household items!

Many cookie recipes call for brown sugar, but that tasty packaged sugar can sometimes harden and get clumpy after it's been opened for a while. Don't worry, there is a way to fix this that doesn't require buying a whole new box! Simply place your brown sugar in a microwave-safe container and put a wet paper towel over it. Microwave the hard sugar for 20 seconds and it should come out nice and soft. If you're out of brown sugar, you can actually make it at home with the help of regular sugar and molasses. Just mix one tablespoon of molasses for every cup of regular sugar.

It's really easy to make whipped cream at home, but if you don't have an electric mixer, just add heavy cream to a jar. Shake the container vigorously for about three minutes. You can add your homemade whipped topping to cupcakes or fruit! If you want to make colored frosting, just add some Jell-O to the batch of frosting to liven up the color and flavor. This is a great tip for festive cupcakes.

These tricks aren't the only awesome ways to avoid a baking disaster. Watch the video above for 7 delicious and easy baking hacks!

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