5 Soups That Pack Well (+ 5 Tips for Choosing Your Own)


By Marian Bull

As I see it, we're still a good 40 lunches away from t-shirts and flip flops and RAMPS!!! Forty lunches of food that should warm you up and, in its pleasurable flavor, give you something to think about other than gray, chilly skies or metastasizing to-do lists.

Good soup will do this for you. Pack some up in your thermos, or just use a mason jar and your friendly office microwave. Let lunch hold you close until spring lets you run free, your hair laced with pea shoot garlands.

Here are some soup-packing tips, from our office to yours:

  1. Greens in soup can get a little bit sad when reheated, so go for something with sturdier vegetables.

  2. Stay away from noodle soups. Nobody wants reheated noodle mush.

  3. Pick something that's packed with beans or grains or other rib-sticking foods. Or supplement with good, crusty bread.

  4. Avoid yogurt-based soups; they need to be reheated gently, which is a challenge in your local break room's 1987 microwave.

  5. Consider how your colleagues will feel if you reheat fish stew and then the entire office smells of fish stew. Just consider it.

Check out the slideshow above to get started with our lunchbox-friendly recipes.

5 Soups That Pack Well, and Tips for Choosing Your Own
Chad Robertson's 5 Essential Tips for Baking Bread
How to Make Any Pureed Vegetable Soup in 5 Steps
