The 12 Restaurants Where You Need to Eat in 2015

The 12 Restaurants Where You Need to Eat in 2015

It's a question that's posed to everyone who lives to dine out, and it's also one of the most loaded questions that can be posed to a food writer: "Where should I eat?" We asked a handful of the country's most esteemed food writers, "If a friend were coming to your city to visit, what's the one restaurant where you would tell them to dine?" and allowed them to suggest restaurants outside of their city along with that.

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Their responses ranged from the new and hip to the tried-and-true, and one restaurant was, surprisingly, suggested by two writers. There are restaurants that you've probably never heard of, and others that are nothing short of legendary. We also asked the writers to provide an explanation for their choices, so you know exactly what, in their opinion, makes these restaurants so great.

Respondents included Esquire's John Mariani, Texas Monthly's Daniel Vaughn, the Miami Herald and's Evan S. Benn, Houstonia Magazine's Robb Walsh, and USA Today's Larry Olmsted, the Las Vegas Review-Journal's Heidi Knapp Rinella, Chicago Magazine's Penny Pollack and Bedford + Bowery's Daniel Maurer.

It's not easy to narrow down your favorite restaurants to visit, but these writers were up to the challenge. Read on for 12 restaurants that you should definitely plan on visiting in 2015.

Check out the slideshow above for 12 restaurants you need to eat at in 2015.

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