The 12 Dirtiest Fruits and Vegetables

The 12 Dirtiest Fruits and Vegetables

For the fourth year in a row, apples top the list of the dirtiest produce in the U.S., according to the Environmental Working Group's 2014 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce. The most common pesticide found on apples is diphenylamine, which is banned in the EU because of health concerns.

Apples aren't the only produce under fire either. The EWG analyzed pesticide tests of 48 popular fruits and vegetables, and based on their findings, separated the best and worst ends of the list into the 'Dirty Dozen' and the 'Clean Fifteen'. The foods that made the clean list include avocados, onions, eggplant and more.

Here is the entire list of the 'Dirty Dozen' released by the EWG, highlighting the 12 conventionally grown fruits and vegetables found to have the highest pesticide contamination.

1. Apples
2. Strawberries
3. Grapes
4. Celery
5. Peaches
6. Spinach
7. Sweet bell peppers
8. Nectarines (imported)
9. Cucumbers
10. Cherry tomatoes
11. Snap peas (imported)
12. Potatoes

Check out the video above for a report on why apples have been designated as the dirtiest produce on the market.
