10 Famous Cuisines in Unexpected Places

10 Famous Cuisines in Unexpected Places

It doesn't take a world traveler to recognize that a country's cuisine knows no boundaries. Thanks to globalization, a country's cuisine can be found in the most unexpected of places, which upon closer inspection, may not be surprising after all.

See 10 Famous Cuisines in Unexpected Places Slideshow

The phenomenon of foreign cuisines relocating can be traced along the paths of migration — when the Portuguese came to Massachusetts to work on whale ships, they brought along their recipe for fish stew, and when the British Empire welcomed the people of India from the British colonies, curry houses sprouted up along the streets of London. What once was simply the food of an outsider community, however, is now an inseparable part of the cultural identity of these places.

So what does all this mean for the hungry traveler? For one, it expands the culinary possibilities in cities large and small. Excellent, authentic international cuisine can be found not only in major metropolises, but also in places where tourists less frequently go.

Can't afford a trip to France or Spain to indulge in Basque cuisine? Then head to Boise, Idaho, where that food is flourishing. Hungering for the flavors of Havana? You don't have to wait for the borders of Cuba to open, because there's plenty of authentic Cuban food to be found in Tampa, Fla.

Instead of a cuisine culture clash, famous cuisine found in unexpected places also means that travelers should expect the unexpected when searching for an alternative to a country's native cuisine. You may find that it's not pão de queijo but sushi that satisfies your snack craving in Brazil or maybe you're not longing for crusty baguettes when you part ways with Paris, but the dense and chewy Algerian bread called kesra.

Sometimes the greatest risk when traveling is venturing outside your expectations. Whether you go searching for a city's international cuisine or stumble upon it, stay open to a place's unexpected food offerings and you may find that your taste experiences become much richer than you could have imagined. Here are 10 famous cuisines found in unexpected places.

Curious to learn more about unexpected cuisines in places around the world? Check out the slideshow above.

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