Food service recalls lentil product after customers report gastrointestinal issues

Here’s some crumby news.

The Daily Harvest food delivery service on Sunday recalled its French Lentil + Leek Crumbles meal after an undisclosed number of customers reported “gastrointestinal issues,” the company announced.

“We took immediate steps to address what we heard from customers, reaching out to every person who received French Lentil + Leek Crumbles, instructing them to dispose of the product and not eat it,” the announcement on the Daily Harvest website reads.

“We simultaneously launched an investigation with internal and external experts throughout our supply chain and in accordance with regulatory procedures.”

A Daily Harvest meal kit in October 2021.
A Daily Harvest meal kit in October 2021.

A Daily Harvest meal kit in October 2021. (Gado/)

A man named Luke Tashie claimed in an email to NBC News that he experienced “extreme liver pain” and was hospitalized after eating the French Lentil + Leek Crumbles meal.

“The surgeons that consulted with me were so perplexed that they seriously considered removing my gallbladder,” Tashie told the outlet.

Tashie, who said he didn’t believe Daily Harvest was handling the situation as seriously or quickly as it should, shared with NBC News a copy of an email that he allegedly received from Daily Harvest offering a $10 credit for each bag he’d bought and encouraging him to throw the food away.
