‘Florida is ground zero for saving our democracy’: Democrats rally supporters in Miami-Dade

Packed inside a Coral Gables church on Friday, Miami-Dade Democrats rallied hundreds of supporters from the pews for candidates running up and down the ballot to challenge Republicans in the November general election, from congressional to Florida House districts.

Featuring gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist and U.S. Rep. Val Demings, who is vying to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, candidates took turns giving short stump speeches at the Coral Gables Congregational Church, focusing on access to abortion, threats to democracy and drawing a contrast with Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“I’ve been listening to all the candidates and let me just ask this question: Who is saying we can’t win in Florida?” said former U.S. Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, who introduced Demings. “We have some of the most talented, bright, courageous fighters that I have seen in the ticket running here in the state of Florida.”

“I think that what we need to realize is that the state of Florida is ground zero for saving our democracy,” she added.

Florida Senate Democratic candidate Val Demings speaks during the “Politico Palooza” rally, organized by the grassroots group RiseUp Florida hhighlighting general election candidates at the Coral Gables Congregational Church, on Friday September 02, 2022.
Florida Senate Democratic candidate Val Demings speaks during the “Politico Palooza” rally, organized by the grassroots group RiseUp Florida hhighlighting general election candidates at the Coral Gables Congregational Church, on Friday September 02, 2022.

The “Politico Palooza” rally, organized by the grassroots group RiseUp Florida, comes just over a week since Democrats chose Crist over Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried in a contested primary to challenge DeSantis. Days later, Crist announced Karla Hernández-Mats, president of Miami-Dade’s teachers union, as his running mate.

Crist is the underdog in an uphill battle against well-funded incumbent DeSantis, who has raised over $130 million for his reelection bid and has emerged as a leading figure in the national GOP.

“In this race it’s going to be a crystal-clear choice. There will be no battle about what you’re voting for if you’re voting for him or you’re voting for us,” said Crist, who said Republicans “are so scared, they’re attacking” Hernández-Mats. “Things are looking good for Democrats in Florida. And it really comes down to issues, it really does.”

Florida state Sen. Annette Taddeo, who is challenging Republican U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, attacked her opponent, calling her a “liar” and saying she’s turned her back on constituents in Florida’s Congressional District 27.

Democrats rallied hundreds of supporter, during the “Politico Palooza” rally, organized by the grassroots group RiseUp Florida highlighting general election candidates at the Coral Gables Congregational Church, on Friday September 02, 2022.
Democrats rallied hundreds of supporter, during the “Politico Palooza” rally, organized by the grassroots group RiseUp Florida highlighting general election candidates at the Coral Gables Congregational Church, on Friday September 02, 2022.

“Our community deserves somebody that’s going to fight for all of us, not just say ‘freedom’ in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. We are all for that. But you have to fight for freedom in this country first,” Taddeo said, emphasizing access to abortion. “We are fighting because we want to make sure that we keep the freedom, that we keep our own control over our own bodies.”

Among the down-ballot Democratic candidates was Janelle Perez, who is running for state Senate District 38 against Republican candidate Alexis Maria Calatayud. Perez, a Cuban American businesswoman, echoed other candidates in requesting supporters to volunteer their time for her campaign.

“What a better way to stick it to DeSantis than electing the first LGBTQ parent after the atrocious year we’ve had?” Perez told the crowd.

Florida State Senator Annette Taddeo, Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress District #27, speaks during the “Politico Palooza” rally, organized by the grassroots group RiseUp Florida, highlighting general election candidates at the Coral Gables Congregational Church, on Friday September 02, 2022.
Florida State Senator Annette Taddeo, Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress District #27, speaks during the “Politico Palooza” rally, organized by the grassroots group RiseUp Florida, highlighting general election candidates at the Coral Gables Congregational Church, on Friday September 02, 2022.

The loudest cheers from Democrats were for Demings, who appeared after a day of campaigning around South Florida. Demings has consistently outraised Rubio in her own primary, and recent polls suggest her race has tightened.

“I am proud to be at the top of this ticket,” she declared. “I don’t take it for granted.”
