A fireworks accident sent a man to a Broward hospital. One of his hands arrived later.

A late night fireworks accident resulted in a man heading to a Broward hospital — and one of his hands being brought to the hospital later by Broward Sheriff’s Office Fire Rescue.

A BSO spokesman Carey Codd said in an email this happened around 1 a.m. A call about a fireworks mishap brought BSO deputies and BSO Fire Rescue workers to the 4400 block of State Road 7/U.S. 441. By the time they got there, the man involved had been driven to a hospital.

“(BSO Fire Rescue) transported the man’s hand to the hospital and subsequently transported the man and his hand to Broward Health Medical Center for medical treatment,” Codd’s email said.

As of 12:45 p.m, Codd didn’t know if the man’s hand was reattached.

READ MORE: Don’t red, white and blow yourself up this July 4 weekend. Safety tips from Broward Fire Rescue
