Fire crews tackle blaze at pub

Fire crews are attending a fire that broke out at a pub in Somerset on Thursday morning.

The Beachcomber pub in Brean reported a fire at 11:15 BST. They said everyone was safe.

Devon and Somerset Fire Service are attending the scene with six appliances and an aerial platform.

"Crews are currently working to extinguish the fire," the service said.

In a statement, the pub said: "Due to an ongoing fire in our back rooms, The Beachcomber will be closed today and tonight.

"Fire officers are on the scene and everyone is safe.

"Thank you all for your concern. Everyone is okay and we will update you further as soon as we can."

Devon and Somerset Fire Services added: "We were called at 11:15 to reports a building fire in Brean, Burnham-on-Sea.

"There are currently six appliances along with an aerial platform and an incident command unit on scene."

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