Struggling With Sky-High Energy Costs? This Program Has Paid Out $566 Million in Assistance

Young family bundled up in warm clothes by a window.
Young family bundled up in warm clothes by a window.

Image source: Getty Images.

If you have an air conditioner in your home or apartment, chances are, it's probably been running a lot this year. Many parts of the country have faced massive heat waves that have limited people's ability to enjoy the outdoors and taken a toll on their bank accounts.

Temperatures are finally starting to fall in some places and winter's not too far away. But that may not bring much relief because heating costs can be even more expensive than cooling costs. You may not have to face them alone, though.

The government has a program that paid out $566 million in cooling assistance and over $3 billion in heating assistance to low-income families in 2023.

What's the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)?

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded grant program designed to help low-income families who are struggling with their energy bills. The federal government provides funds to the states, which then determine which of households are eligible and dole out funds accordingly.

Per the federal guidelines, states may set their own LIHEAP income eligibility requirements. However, they must cap these limits at no more than the greater of 150% of the federal poverty guidelines or 60% of the state's median income. The limits also cannot go lower than 110% of the federal poverty guidelines.

For example, if a state's income eligibility requirement is 110% of the federal poverty guidelines, then anyone with an income that is at or below 110% of the guidelines would qualify for this program. Exact benefits vary, though, by greatest energy need in relation to household income and the number of household members.

Those who qualify will receive funds they can put toward their heating and cooling costs. They may also be able to use up to 15% (or up to 25% with a waiver) to put toward weatherization costs. For example, you might install new weatherstripping around a door or better insulate your windows to prevent heat or cold from escaping the home.

How to apply

If you think you might be eligible for LIHEAP funds, reach out to your state's contact for more information. Native American tribal members have their own special program contacts.

You'll need to provide information about the members of your household, your household income, and your home energy costs. The state will review this information to determine if you qualify for assistance and if so, how much.

It will take some time for the state to review your application, so it's best to apply as quickly as possible if you hope to take advantage of these benefits this coming winter. If you have any questions about the program, your state contact is the best person to advise you.

If your application is denied, you may be able to appeal. Your denial notice should instruct you on how to do so. Again, this may take some time, but it's worth doing if you think it could help you more easily afford your living expenses or even beef up your savings account balance.

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