Got Leftover Pasta? Here are 8 Delicious Ways to Use That Up

Clip on Pasta Strainer Colander

Pasta Past Its Prime

Still freezing tons of leftover cooked pasta without knowing what to do with it? I get it; I have personally never actually cooked the correct amount of pasta in my entire life.

Thankfully, there are plenty of dishes to make with excess spaghetti, rigatoni, and more. Here are eight leftover pasta recipes to try if you’ve made too much.

frittata in metal skillet, wooden spoon

1. Pasta Frittata

This is such a good one. Chop up your leftover pasta, combine it with eggs, parmesan cheese, and any meat of your choice, and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 to 15 minutes. Just like that, you’ve got a brand new dish.

Recipe: NYT Cooking

Thai, Noodle Stir fry with Shrimp, Mussels in a Peanut Sauce with Peppers and Cilantro -Photographed on Hasselblad H1-22mb Camera

2. Stir Fry

Throw your noodles, veggies, and soy sauce into a hot pan with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper, and watch as your leftover pasta transforms into a perfect stir fry.

Recipe: Scruff and Steph

potato latkes
potato latkes

3. Pasta Fritters

This is about as easy as it gets. Mix leftover pasta with eggs, breadcrumbs, and a little bit of seasoning. Then fry them up into fritters. You can get this done in 20 minutes at the most; say hello to your new signature appetizer.

Recipe: Recipe Tin Eats

Healthy Homemade Pasta Salad with Tomatoes Onions and Broccoli

4. Pasta Salad

Ah, pasta salad. The unsung room-temperature hero of backyard barbecues, Italian delis, and Hawaiian side dishes. Shapes be damned — any sauceless leftover pasta you’ve got will do.

Recipe: Eating on a Dime

13 Ways to Use Pulled Pork Leftovers

Lasagna Soup Ingredients
Lacey Muszynski / Cheapism

5. Lasagna Soup

But what about pasta that’s already been sauced? That’s a fair question. If your leftovers are coated in pasta sauce, try out something like lasagna soup. You’re just bringing additional flavor to the broth on this one.

Too fancy shmancy for you? Chicken noodle soup is a lot easier, and still the ultimate comfort food.

Recipe: Food Network


6. Spaghetti Muffins

Here's a spaghetti recipe you don’t see very often. You’re essentially making tiny little spaghetti servings in a muffin tin. This is a great one for kids.

Recipe: Grace & Good Eats

a meatball sub
a meatball sub

7. Spaghetti and Meatball Sandwich

Did you make meatballs last night? Got some leftover spaghetti, too? Stick all of that between some bread and make a panini or sub. In one quick move, you’ve got an entire food truck premise on your hands.

Recipe: Tastemade


8. When All Else Fails, Just Make Pasta Again

There are tons of easy recipes out there that can easily incorporate some already-cooked pasta. My personal favorite? This slow cooker chicken parmesan pasta.

This article was originally published on Cheapism

Clip on Pasta Strainer Colander

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