The New Gen Z ‘Anti-Budgeting’ App

katleho Seisa / Getty Images
katleho Seisa / Getty Images

TikTok doesn’t have to be the digital space where you lose hours of your life scrolling through coordinated dancing videos. It’s also a place where you can learn about some cool new ways to better save money, and do so without budgeting.

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The new app is called Oops, an anti-budgeting platform created by Gen Z-er Anastasia Shaura. Oops’ goal? For users to be more mindful about their finances.

Oops is aimed for Gen Z folks, and doesn’t require them to budget in the traditional way. Instead, you track your spending by simply linking your bank accounts to the app. Then, you receive a weekly recap and as you review your spending you can press the “oops” button to indicate something you regret buying. You can even compare your spending with others — for example, maybe this week you spent less on takeout than 60% of other users, or 30% more on clothing.

Thus as you sort and keep track of your spending, you can keep on top of your finances and become a better spender.

Ideally, the more you can spot the types of purchases you regret or impulsively bought, you can be more aware the next time you head on a Target run or out shopping with friends. The goal is to not waste your money on items you won’t care about, and to spend it on things you will.

Sure, you can track your expenses on your own, but this app makes it easy as transactions pop up. Removing the friction of having to log into your accounts means you’re more likely to review and on your way to be more mindful with your purchases.

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The app is currently available in the Apple Store — a free version is available or you can upgrade to Opps Gold to access unlimited times you can refresh your transactions.

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This article originally appeared on The New Gen Z ‘Anti-Budgeting’ App
