3 trends that could define the future of AI-fueled job recruiting

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Good morning!

A job search used to be fairly straightforward.

Candidates would submit a resume and cover letter, go through a few interviews, and hope for the best. Recruiters and hiring managers would sift through resumes, do some preliminary interviews, and get the ball rolling.

But that’s all changing—candidates and recruiters are caught up in a kind of AI arms race in which each side is leveraging the technology in new ways that makes the old methods nearly useless. Job seekers are able to tailor their resumes and apply to more jobs than ever before, but recruiters are getting buried in an avalanche of applications, and leaning on AI to sift through the pile.

But we’re still just in the beginning stages of the recruitment transformation, writes my colleague Emma Burleigh. She spoke with experts who say that keyword skill searches are child's play compared to what we will see from recruiting over the next few years.

They predict three major future trends:

1. AI will become an even bigger part of the recruiting process, and could even be used to select the final batch of candidates for a job.

2. Candidates will be tested in all kinds of new ways, as hiring managers get more and more skeptical that the skills on their resume are real, and not just designed to get past AI filters.

3. The ranks of recruiters will thin, as the job is phased out or turned into a new kind of position—talent advisors.

Read more about how AI could change the future of recruiting here.

Azure Gilman

Today's edition was curated by Emma Burleigh.

This story was originally featured on Fortune.com
