Walmart accused of selling fake craft beers

By Nick Cardona, Buzz60

Walmart apparently has a craft beer problem.

The retail giant has come under fire for allegedly tricking people into spending more money on fake craft beers.

The company began selling its own line of craft beer last year; they're currently selling four styles of craft brews from Trouble Brewing.

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According to the lawsuit, though, there's one big problem: there's no such thing as Trouble Brewing in the United States. Government filings found that the beer is made by WX Brands which is listed as Genesee Brewing, based in Costa Rica.

The four so-called "craft beers" are stocked in more than 3,000 stores across the country. According to Courthouse News, the packaging does not meet any of the standards for craft beers.

The lawsuit aims to reimburse everyone who bought the Trouble Brewing beer.
