15 Spices and Spice Blends That Will Make Almost Any Meal Better


It's easy to fall into a rhythm of cooking favorite and familiar dishes, but this doesn't mean you can't take them to new and exciting places. Spices and spice mixes are perfect for lending a unique bent to a dish you may have become all-too-familiar. They can add depth, richness, and umami in, literally, a pinch. With a few spice mixes in your cupboard, you can always count on a few culinary tricks up your sleeve to transform a meal.

You can find many of these spices at your local grocery, Trader Joe's, or Whole Foods. Amazon is an obvious source, as well. For home chef's looking for harder-to-find or higher-end flavorings, Brooklyn-based Snuk Foods' online "global grocery" is another great go-to.

Related: 19 Sauces and Seasonings to Keep Home-Cooked Meals Interesting
