Final day to register to vote before election on Kansas abortion amendment is Tuesday

Jeff Roberson/AP

The deadline to register to vote in the August primaries is Tuesday.

Kansans will vote Aug. 2 on an amendment to the state’s constitution that would remove the right to abortion in the state. Some also will vote on primaries for state offices.

Advance voting by mail begins Wednesday. Early voting at the Sedgwick County election office starts next Monday (July 18). And early voting at satellite polling locations is July 28-30.

You’ll need to register if you’re voting for the first time in your life, you’re new to Kansas or have moved since the last election.

This is what you’ll need to know before you register to vote.


You need to be a Kansas resident, a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old at the time of the next election.

Kansas asks that if you’ve been convicted of a felony, you complete the terms of your sentence and receive a discharge certificate. If you’re serving a sentence for a felony conviction, you aren’t eligible to vote.

You can register to vote:

Through the Kansas Department of Revenue’s online registration portal at You’ll need a valid Kansas driver’s license or a non-driver’s identification card.

Through the mail. You’ll have to print out this form at and send it to the Sedgwick County Election Office at 510 N. Main #101. It must be postmarked by July 12 if you are trying to vote in the Aug. 2 primary.

Not sure if you’re registered? Check the Kansas secretary of state’s voter view page at Just enter your name and date of birth.

Deadlines to know:

  • July 12: The deadline to register for the Aug. 2 primary election

  • Oct. 18: The deadline to register for the Nov. 8 general election


When you register to vote in Kansas, you’ll have the option to pick a party affiliation. In a primary election when each party picks their candidate, you’ll get a ballot for the party you affiliate with, whether it’s Democrat, Republican or Independent.

You’ll have the choice to select one of these options when you register to vote. If you select Independent or choose not to affiliate with a party, you’ll only be able to vote on non-partisan questions.

In August, Kansas has a statewide ballot question that would amend the state constitution to remove the right to abortion. Any registered voter can vote on that, even without party affiliation.

You can register to vote with any of these parties 21 days prior to the election, which is also the deadline for registering to vote. For primary elections in the state, you’ll get the ballot for the party you registered and if you haven’t made an affiliation, you can do so on election day and vote in your chosen party’s primary.

Party affiliation matters for primaries because you’re choosing one official out of however many remain on the ballot to represent your respective party. You don’t have to be affiliated with a party to vote in the general election.

According to Kansas law, from noon on June 1 to Aug. 31, you cannot switch to another party or become unaffiliated. If you want to change your party affiliation, you’ll have to submit another voter registration form after Sept. 1.


Whether you move to a new address in your current county or a brand-new county in Kansas, you’ll need to submit a new voter application. It’ll just depend on when you move.

If you move before the deadline, you’ll need to re-register with your new information as soon as possible. If you move after the deadline or you forget to update your information, you can still vote by going to your old address’ poll station.
