Fiji 'pledge dad' Ryan Delanty pleads guilty to misdemeanors in MU hazing criminal case

Ryan Delanty, of Ballwin, on Friday pleaded guilty to misdemeanor hazing and misdemeanor supplying alcohol to a minor for the Oct. 19, 2021, incident that disabled MU Phi Gamma Delta pledge Danny Santulli for life.

The charges were reduced from felonies. Delanty's trial was set for May 21 and the cases of other defendants were delayed allowing Delanty's trial to happen first, so they could testify.

Delanty was described in court documents as Santulli's pledge dad at the hazing event. Included in the documents was Delanty's text to a friend "my son is dead."

Delanty gave Santulli a full bottle of vodka, taped to his hands, which he was expected to drink.

After collapsing and becoming unresponsive, Santulli was resuscitated by emergency room personnel at University of Missouri Hospital. The alcohol poisoning left Santulli with brain damage, unable to see, speak or walk. He is under constant care of his family at their home in Minnesota.

Civil lawsuits against the defendants and the fraternity were settled, with the undisclosed settlement amount paying for Santulli's care.

Delanty's sentencing is set for May 24, but assistant prosecutor Nick Komoroski recommended six months in jail followed by six months home detention.

"I believe there are victim impact statements that the court will receive" for sentencing, said Delanty's attorney, Stephanie Fortus.

They were on video for the plea, but Fortus said they both would be in court for the sentencing.

"We expect Mr. Delanty to be taken into custody," Fortus said.

It's about time, said Santulli family attorney David Bianchi by phone.

"This is the first time Ryan Delanty has ever stepped up and admitted he's guilty of hazing and supplying alcohol to a minor," Bianchi said. "At least he's finally admitting it. He deserves to be held accountable. This is a step in the right direction."

The remaining defendants should take note, he said.

"Nothing good comes from dragging this out and delaying justice," Bianchi said.

Several defendants already have pleaded guilty and served short jail sentences.

The family is working hard and Santulli is making slow improvement, Bianchi said.

Roger McKinney is the Tribune's education reporter. You can reach him at or 573-815-1719. He's on X at @rmckinney9.

This article originally appeared on Columbia Daily Tribune: Ryan Delanty pleads guilty to misdemeanors in Santulli hazing case
