Festivities Marks The Queen's 70-Year Reign

Festivities Marks The Queen's 70-Year Reign

The Queen appearing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for the final act of the Platinum Jubilee.

There was rapturous applause from a crowd who were surprised as well as delighted to see her

After so many concerns about her health.

Accompanied by those who will succeed her, a day in which millions of Brits took part in the same event to celebrate Elizabeth's 70 years on the throne.

The Big Platinum Jubilee Lunch, took place on streets across the nation, close to Clapham common in South London

"I have to say I'm a bit of a royalist, so I do love the Queen, I think she's brilliant and everything she stands for. The whole family, really love them, so nice to get behind it," said U.K. resident Hannah Gibson.

"I mean it is extraordinary that in 70 years, most people at this table will not have been born 70 years ago, they have not known a life without her as our Queen and head of state," said U.K. resident Clare Chalmers.

"Well, we certainly won't have another Platinum Jubilee for a very long time, and I think people do feel that sense of gratitude that she's held us all together. And she's above the fray and embraces us all," said U.K. resident Charles Mackworth-Young.

More than 85,000 Brits signed up to host Big Jubilee Lunches just like this one, with Prince Charles and Camilla joining a feast at the Oval Cricket Stadium in South London. And Princess Alexandra, the Queen's cousin, arriving in a few moments' times.

The Queen's cousin helped judge a community bake-off competition, featuring Jubilee- themed cakes.

In central London

Tens of thousands enjoyed the spectacle of a Jubilee royal pageant. Including William, Kate, George, Charlotte, and an animated four-year-old Louis.

These national celebrations will go down history, recognizing a monarch who continues to bring Brits together.
