Will Ferrell DJ'd a Frat Party This Weekend at USC

For some college kids, family weekend can be a total vibe killer. A flurry of parents wandering campus and cosplaying as students? Not very fun! Well, unless you’re Will Ferrell’s kid. In that case, it kind of rocks.

Over the weekend, Ferrell attended a frat party at USC with his son, Magnus. No matter how many times I read that sentence it still sounds strange. Let’s try again. Will Ferrell went to a party at USC to visit his son, Magnus, who looks like a mini Will Ferrell. Right? Right.

Anyway, Mr. Ferrell is a USC alumnus—so he was presumably excited to visit his old stomping grounds. According to Variety, The Anchorman actor spent time on campus before tailgating at his old fraternity, Sigma Alpha Mu. Naturally, Ferrell was welcomed with open arms. Even better? He manned the DJ booth. In footage captured from other partygoers, you can see Big Ferrell and Mini Ferrell jamming out, while a gaggle of USC brothers dance around them.

If you look closely, you can see Magnus near his dad, nodding his head, while the big man runs through a mix of party tracks. In case you’re wondering, the set included “Rasputin,” “Eye of the Tiger,” and of course, “Mr. Brightside.” Needless to say, Ferrell’s set was a success. The man might be an award-winning actor—and beloved comedian—but perhaps it's time for the man to switch careers. DJ Ferrell has a nice ring to it.

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