Feel Better Soon! 140+ Thoughtful Messages To Write in a Get Well Card

When our friends and loved ones are sick, it’s natural to want to offer them some kind words and thoughts of comfort. It’s customary to send someone who is ill a get-well card to let them know that they are in our thoughts and we are rooting for them as they travel on the road to recovery.

But sometimes, it’s difficult to think of something more creative and inspiring than a generic “Hope you feel better soon!” If you are stuck on what to write in a get-well card or text, we’ve got you covered with this list of 140+ get well wishes. There are sweet messages to send to a child, thoughtful words for someone who is terminally ill, romantic and religious messages, and even love notes for your significant other. We hope our curated list of get well wishes and messages helps you let someone you care about know you are thinking of them when they're sick!

100+ Get Well Wishes

1.  Hoping you find strength with each new day.

2. Thinking of you and hoping you feel better each day.

3. Sending healthy vibes your way for a speedy recovery!

4. Hang in there!

5. Take it one day at a time, and you will be feeling better soon!

6. You are in all of our wishes as you recover.

7. Best wishes that you will soon be doing all the things you love again!

8. Sending you hugs and love as you recuperate.

9. All of us are thinking of you, and hope that you get better soon.

10. Thinking of you and wishing you well as you recover.

11. Sending your love during your recovery.

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What to Write in a Get Well Card for Family & Friends

1. I want you to be happy and healthy again soon. Take care and feel better.

2. Feel better, friend! Sending you all my love.

3. Sending you a note to let you know that you are in my thoughts as you recover.

4. Wishing you an easy recovery and continued good health afterward!

5. We miss you, and hope that you are feeling better soon.

6. I may not have a medical degree, but I do have friendship’s healing touch. Get well soon!

7. As soon as you are feeling up to it, our next coffee date is on me!

8. Get well soon so I can make fun of you again and not feel so bad.

9. It’s not a hospital stay. It’s a spa package that includes meals, regular health evaluations and jello cubes!

10. Get better and get back to your amazing self soon!

11. Can't wait to celebrate your recovery with you.

Get Well Wishes for Partner

1. I am keeping our bed warm for you, and I hope that you are back in it with me soon.

2. I miss your kisses and hugs. I hope you know how much I love you!

3. If only I could trade places with your hospital nurse so I can give you some TLC. Get well soon, my love!

4. Our home feels so empty without you in it. Please get better soon so you can be back where you belong.

5. I haven’t been sleeping well without you here. You are everything to me.

6. While you rest up, I will keep things running at home, so you don’t have to worry about it and can focus on feeling better.

7. Sending you all of my hugs and kisses to make you feel better.

8. Although I can’t be with you in the hospital, know that I am thinking of you and how much I love our life together.

9. My kisses may be magical, but they can’t heal you the way the medicine can. So please get better soon so I can kiss you again!

10. When you are in pain, remember all of the good times we’ve shared together, and think about the memories we still have to make!

11. I love you so much, and I can't wait until you're all better.

Get Well Wishes for Kids

1. It’s no fun being in the hospital! But you are our superhero, and we hope you will be all better soon!

2. We miss you lots at school, and hope that you are back in class soon!

3. Being sick is stinky! But take all your medicine so it will make you feel better!

4. I hope the magical fairy comes soon to take all of your boo-boos away!

5. Rest up and feel better! Your teammates can’t wait to have you back on the field!

6. I’m so sorry you aren’t feeling well, my little angel! Get lots of rest so you feel better!

7. Even superheroes need to rest up! We will see you back in action soon!

8. Wishing you a super, duper, easy recovery, so that you can get back to the playground soon!

9. Stay strong, my sweet little princess, and you will soon be all better and ruling over your kingdom again!

10. When you are feeling better again, you can trade the chicken soup and ice cream for dinner at your favorite restaurant!

11. Remember to remind mom and dad about this when you want to get out of trouble. Get better soon!

Get Well Wishes for Serious Illness or Injury

1. I was so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I wish you well as you begin treatment.

2. Wishing you some good days to make up for all the lousy ones you’ve had lately.

3. I hope you are taking it slow and easy as you recover.

4. You’re so brave, and I’m so proud of your positivity during this challenging time. You’ve got this!

5. Your strength inspires me, and I am thinking of you and wishing you well.

6. Find strength in the friends and family around you, take their love and use it to heal.

7. Recuperation takes time. Don't rush yourself, rest as much as you need and we're sure you'll be feeling better really soon.

8. You are not alone. We’ll be here by your side as you get through this.

9. The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart. We're right there with you. Never lose hope.

10. I know these words may seem like nothing, but I hope they can lift your mood a little and remind you how much I care about you.

11. Take all the time you need. We're all thinking of you.

Get Well Soon After Surgery

1. I hope you are recovering after your recent surgery and doing well.

2. Sending my best wishes to you as you recover from your surgery.

3. Hope your recovery from your recent surgery is short and sweet!

4. I’m glad to hear your surgery went well. I hope you are feeling better!

5. So glad that you are on the mend after your surgery. Stay strong and get well soon!

6. I know it’s hard recovering from surgery, but I’m sure you are going to bounce back stronger than ever!

7. You’ll be out of the hospital before you know it, and back at home! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

8. All of this for some time off of work? But seriously, I am so happy you are doing better!

9. I know this surgery has been hard for you, but I am so glad you are on the way to making a full recovery.

10. I hope you are resting comfortably after your surgery and will be able to head home soon.

11. Here's hoping you're up and at 'em soon.

12. May your recovery and rehabilitation be speedy and painless!

Wishes for Terminal Illness

1. Sending you a note to let you know that I am thinking of you. Let me know if you are up for a visitor.

2. Thinking about you and hoping that you are having a good day.

3. We are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

4. You are always in my thoughts and prayers — you mean so much to me.

5. I am here for you. Your friendship means the world to me. Just let me know when you need me.

6. You are such a bright light to us all. Your bravery is inspiring.

7. I am so thankful to know such a beautiful soul.

8. In the quiet moments of the day, I keep you in my heart and thoughts.

9. I always smile when I think of our friendship.

10. Thank you for teaching me how to face challenges with grace and beauty.

11. Your strength is inspiring, but know that it's OK not to be strong all the time.

12. I'm grateful for all of our time together.

13. The world is better because you are in it.

14. My life is richer because I know you.

15. You're always in my thoughts.

16. The memories we've made together will live forever.

Get Well Wishes for a Coworker

1. I hope you feel better soon so you can come back to work and immediately feel worse!

2. Get well soon! It’s so boring at work without you!

3. Get well soon, because you are the best cook in the office, and we are all starving without you here!

4. Take all the time you need to recover. Your work will be here whenever you are feeling up to coming in. It will just be piled up high on your desk!

5. Sorry your sick days are due to actual sickness!

6. The doctors in the hospital don’t need your creative ideas — we do! Get well soon.

7. We are one man down in sharing all the yelling that boss gives us every day. Get well soon.

8. There are easier ways to take time off of work! Glad that you are on the mend.

9. Get well cards are great at keeping you from having to shake hands or hug a sick person. That's why you are getting a card from me.

10. I know you wanted some time off work, but this was a bit extreme!

11. Capitalism is the real sickness. Until we find a cure for that, I hope you get better soon!

12. We miss you in the break room!

13. I hope you feel better soon. Looking forward to a long lunch when you return!

14. Hurry back to work so we can play hooky together soon.

15. Work is even less fun without you!

16. Feel better! We hope your next bit of time off is for something more fun.

Get Well Religious Wishes

1. May God send you angels to watch over you as you recover. I pray that you get well soon.

2. I hope that you feel better with each passing day. I pray that God blesses you with an easy recovery and continuing good health.

3. As I close my eyes and pray each night, I pray that God heals you.

4. God hears our prayers, and mine is that you are feeling better soon.

5. Know that God gives us strength when we most need it, and I pray that you find strength and peace during this challenging time.

6. We don’t always get to know the reasons for our struggles. There is a bigger plan in place, and He will guide you through this difficult time.

7. I pray that you find strength and hope in His never-ending love as you recover.

8. I hope each new day finds you stronger and fuller with joy. God bless you.

9. May the hands of the Lord rest upon you as you recover and heal.

10. I pray for God to give you encouragement and strength and restore your health.

11. Keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

12. May your faith bring you peace and comfort during your recovery.

13. May God give you the strength you need to get through this difficult time.

Funny Get Well Wishes

1. Medicine can fix your pain, but not your ugly face! Get well soon.

2. I bought you some candy, but your doctor said you can’t have them. More for me, then!

3. I knew you wanted some time off, but did you have to take it in the hospital? Seriously, get well soon!

4. If all the doctors/nurses were as hot as yours, I’d be sick in the hospital too. Get well soon!

5. Get well soon… so I can make fun of you again and not feel so bad!

6. Get well soon! I’m so glad you are sick and not me!

7. Wow, the lengths you’ll go to for a bit of attention! Feel better soon!

8. You may be under the weather, but at least you’re not under a bus! Feel better!

9. You’re so great even germs like you!

10. Laughter is the best medicine, but have you tried morphine?

11. Let's be honest, the nurse who changes your bedpan probably feels even worse than you do.

Short Get Well Messages

1. You've got this!

2. You have my thoughts and prayers.

3. Stay strong!

4. Stay hydrated!

5. We love you so much.

6. Get better quick!

7. Keep your head up!

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