Feed Your Feed: 6 Tips For Photographing Your Thanksgiving Meal

I’ll admit it: I’m that friend who makes everyone wait to eat their food until I take a picture of it. It doesn’t matter if we’re dining at home, brunching at a local restaurant, or hanging out at happy hour — my phone always eats first.

Whether you’re the one constantly snapping pics of your plate or the friend waiting patiently to dig in, one thing is certain: On Thanksgiving, Instagram turns into a sea of food photos. So, how do you feed your IG feed with the best possible Turkey Day pics? Here are some of the top tips from our community:

1. Lighting is everything.

After you’ve spent hours working on your Thanksgiving dishes, you want the world to see them in all their glory. So, don’t let large shadows or dim, grainy photos ruin the vibe! Ashley from Spoon HQ reminds us to “make sure you have good lighting so your delicious dish doesn't look like a kitchen nightmare.”

When you’re setting up your shot, opt for an area of your home with the best lighting. Or, if you’d prefer to keep everything on the table but your dining room is too dark, you can use a ring light for some extra illumination!

Thanksgiving food photography
Thanksgiving food photography

2. Don't underestimate the power of a plate.

Sure, your food should be the star of the show, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your background. Emily from Villanova University suggests “having a pretty plate under all of the food” to elevate your photos. From modern square plates to floral options with major cottagecore vibes, there are so many styles to choose from. Be sure to pick one that reflects the Thanksgiving aesthetic you’re going for!

3. Pay attention to your tablescape.

Holidays are the perfect time to go all-out with your tablescape. I’m talking placemats, trivets, candlesticks, faux foliage, mini pumpkins, and more. And, according to Maria from Spoon HQ, “in the case that your food doesn’t turn out quite right, you can [still] have gorgeous pictures of your place settings and table set-up,” which you have more control over.

4. Capture organic movement.

If you want your Thanksgiving pics to have that candid, effortless vibe, organic movement is the secret. Emily from Spoon HQ suggests “[having] someone’s hand scooping mashed potatoes or passing the salt” in your pictures. That way, you can capture moments that don’t look overly staged.

5. Snap one part of the meal at a time.

My motto when it comes to food is always, “the more the merrier.” However, a table that’s overflowing with dishes can be hard to capture in one frame.

Rather than trying to squeeze everything in, Victory from Hunter College suggests “[capturing] one part of the meal at a time, instead of the whole meal at once.” You could even post a photo dump with shots from every food category, including appetizers, cocktails, side dishes, main dishes, and desserts.

Thanksgiving food photography
Thanksgiving food photography

6. Be proud of your work!

Bailey from UNC Chapel Hill said it best: “Don’t be afraid to be proud of your work.” You put hours (and sometimes days) into planning, cooking, and plating your Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving meals. And while you might be afraid to contribute to the overflow of Turkey Day food photos on social media, you deserve to show off your hard work!

So, take as many pictures as you want, post photo dumps, and share videos to your IG story. Then, put down your phone and settle in for a delicious meal spent with your favorite people.
