Fed or patsy: Conspiracy theorists converge on beheading murder. Why that's not uncommon.

Editor's note: Some of the hyperlinks contained in this story may lead to disturbing content.

Bucks County law enforcement is still sorting out a grisly murder and beheading in Middletown, but internet conspiracies are already labeling Justin Mohn — who took credit for killing his father on a YouTube video — as a victim or possibly a government agent.

Shocking images of Mohn’s 14-minute video, including repeated displays of his father's severed head, appeared in posts on Gab and 4Chan, websites frequented by far-right conspiracy theorists, where the 32-year-old Middletown man was considered either a “patsy” or a federal agent taking part in a “deep state” plot.

Justin Mohn of Levittown is captured in this screenshot of the gruesome YouTube video he allegedly made after beheading his father in Levittown on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024.
Justin Mohn of Levittown is captured in this screenshot of the gruesome YouTube video he allegedly made after beheading his father in Levittown on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024.

Mohn, of Levittown, claims his father, Michael Mohn, was a “a federal employee” in the now-deleted YouTube video and calls on a network of militia groups to overthrow the federal government with bounties placed on high ranking officials and judges.

"He is now in Hell for eternity as a traitor to his country. It is said that those who commit treason and betray others occupy the lowest pits of hell," the younger Mohn said in his video manifesto of his father.

Authorities said Michael Mohn, a married father of four who has lived in Levittown since at least the mid 1980s, was a retired civil engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers.

The online debate about Justin Mohn is not uncoomon in high-profile cases, and theories abound quickly and can warp and multiple even faster. Highly publicized and violent crimes are common targets for online conspiracy theorists to draw wild and unfounded claims about victims and alleged perpetrators.

The Mohn murder found momentum almost immediately once becoming public Tuesday night.

A self-described author, poet and musician, Mohn’s political rants and writings have seen a number of accusations and sympathetic comments from vitriolic corners of the internet.

Levittown man charged with beheading: Levittown man charged with beheading father. He posted grisly YouTube video after

Conspiracies abound in Levittown beheading murder

As details about Justin Mohn began to trickle in through new stories Tuesday and Wednesday, uses on the alt-right social media platform Gab began framing Mohn’s calls for revolution as a potential “psyop” — or a psychological operation.

“The ClA, which is part of the Democrat/Deep State/Media team, has highly sophisticated methods of mind control, and a long track record of employing them. So is Justin their latest patsy?” one Gab account, @donaldtrumpispresident, posted in several GAB communities Wednesday morning.

Another Gab account, @shadow941xl, said news of Mohn’s alleged crimes is “very suspicious” and claims the story is a hoax to drum up support for a congressional “anti-militia bill.”

“The man (Mohn) shows all the signs of being coaxed into this ... a prime candidate for MKUltra.(sic),” shadow941xl said in another post. “The next 72 hours will be interesting as more info becomes available. Welcome to the year of Psyops."

On X, formerly Twitter, the leader of a White Supremacist group from Sweden posted that the story was a “psyop” and even posted an image of what he claims to be a website where severed heads can be bought.

Details from Mohn crime scene: Machete found in bathtub of Levittown home where Justin Mohn beheaded father: Police

“Apparently it’s easy to buy severed heads … that just happen to look almost identical to the one in the plastic bag of one Justin Mohn recently seen in a video,(sic)” Henrik Palmgren posted.

In July, Mohn’s name appeared in a thread posted to 4Chan’s Politically Incorrect forum, commonly referred to as “pol,” which was a “cringe post” about his attempts to sue the federal government over his student loan debt and some of his self-published books on Amazon.

The coincidence was too much for some posting on the anonymous image sharing board as news broke of Mohn’s alleged crimes Wednesday morning.

“Was Justin Mohn driven insane by legal cannabis or by MAGA?” one post asked.

“Neither. He caught a small glimpse of the truth of the world and couldn't handle it,” another replied.

Justin Mohn's work focused on anti-government sentiment, parental resentment

A lot of the online discussion around Mohn has been citing the YouTube video he posted Tuesday, but Mohn’s books and song lyrics have become frequent sources as reuploads of his original video continue getting posted online.

Much of Mohn’s poems and prose are anti-government tirades or perceived angsty resentment toward his parents, according to a review of Mohn’s writings and his most recent 10-song album on Spotify by this news organization.

Mohn was calling for a “bloody revolution” since August 2020, but Mohn’s songs, posted on Spotify, and books are mostly stream-of-consciousness rants that focus on main characters with strained family relationships.

Who is Justin Mohn?: Who is Justin Mohn? Levittown man in YouTube beheading video sued government, made music

One of Mohn’s books, “The Second Messiah,” begins with the main character, “Buster Moon” being forced out on his own by his parents — an overbearing father and an enabling mother.

Buster eventually forms his own militia and the book ends with the main character ordering a “genocide” and mass bombing of southeast Asia.

In his video Tuesday, Mohn dubbed himself the leader and commander of "Mohn's Militia," and issued call to arms to followers, saying he had some $10 million avaialable to pay bounties for the deaths of government officials. There has been no evidence shared by authorities of any following or influence Mohn has in the militia movement.

"If I am captured or killed, do not give," he said on the video.

Lawsuits filed by Mohn against the government, and dismissed, show in reality he spent time unemployed or underemployed after graduating from Penn State in 2014, leaving Bucks County for a job in Colorado only to return to live with his parents again in Levittown.

“He essentially claims the United States lent him money which he needed to repay under a student loan contract beginning in late 2014 but this loan allowed him to get a college education and he cannot find a satisfactory job as an overeducated white man to repay the loan,” the judge wrote in an opinion.

Mohn’s most recent book, “The Punishing,” was published on Amazon on Jan. 15 and is a shocking read.

The book takes place in a dystopian version of Earth in the 25th century, which was taken over by Satan centuries earlier. A process called “The Punishing” is used to determine evil humans from good humans immediately after they graduate high school.

Mohn seems to describe what he believes could be the fate of America as he chronicles the history of the world.

In this world, “America allowed communism and godlessness to spread” in the 21st century, missing the country’s chance “to implement their Judeo-Christian religion and democratic ideology around the world.”

The first chapter of the book describes a process called “The Punishing,” a little over 20 pages of graphic descriptions of mutilations and amputations meted out to a graduating class of high school students based on any infraction — from theft to premarital sex, a disability or sexual orientation.

Mohn’s books were removed from Amazon at some time early Wednesday afternoon.

Mohn caught at Fort Indiantown Gap: What police found when they arrested Levittown beheading suspect at Fort Indiantown Gap

This article originally appeared on Bucks County Courier Times: Levittown beheading suspect Justin Mohn, case stir conspiracy theories
