Farmer proposes by mowing 'marry me' into field

A field with the words Marry Me mowed into them
Mr Heal popped the big question by using his his tractor to mow the field [Chloe Morley]

A Somerset farmer has proposed to his girlfriend by mowing "marry me" into his field and surprising her at sunset.

Tom Heal proposed to his long-term girlfriend, Chloe Morley, on Friday evening.

Under the ruse of forgetting to bring his dinner, Ms Morley headed down to the field near Hinkley Point in Somerset to meet him, only to find the huge letters carved into the grass.

Ms Morley said: "I was in complete shock, but once it had settled after a few minutes, there were lots of tears."

Tom and Chloe standing next to each other smiling in a field. She's holding up her hand to show off her engagement ring
The couple said an engagement had been "on the cards for a while" [Chloe Morley]

The couple have been together for four years.

Ms Morley, who works as a veterinary nurse, said they had discussed the idea of marriage many times, but the timing came as a complete surprise.

"[A proposal] has been on the cards for a little while but I haven't known when, where, how, or anything," she said.

"I completely was not expecting it at all."

'I was shaking'

Mr Heal told his girlfriend he would be working late on his tractor, and asked her to bring him some dinner. It was there the couple met at golden hour.

"I was doing what I'd normally do, just didn't think anything of it," Ms Morley said.

"I met him halfway down the track and he took me out to the field. I was just chatting away, telling him about my day, and then he stopped on the edge of the field."

She said he asked her to get out of the car, which she thought was "a bit strange".

"Then I looked behind him and saw the 'marry me' in the field, then it all clicked," she said.

"I was in complete shock. I was shaking, I couldn't even open the door."

Chloe Morley and Tom Heal holding hands in the field in front of the sunset. She has a round blue engagement ring on her finger
The couple hope to marry next September [Chloe Morley]

Jenny Heal, Mr Heal's aunt, said it was "about time" her nephew proposed.

"We've all been hoping and waiting. And he did it in his true fashion," she said.

"I don't think he could have done it in a better way. I'm thrilled and excited.

"It's great to officially be able to welcome Chloe to our family, she's been so wonderful."

The happy couple have since received congratulatory messages online after someone posted a picture of the field on Facebook captioned: "So...did you get an answer?!"

The pair said they have plans to marry next September.

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