Family of baby chimp who died is grieving but doing better, Sedgwick County Zoo says

Sedgwick County Zoo /Courtesy

The Sedgwick County Zoo shared an update Monday on the death of its 5-week-old chimp, Kucheza, who died last week.

After a video of his mother, Mahale, being reunited with him after an emergency c-section went viral in November, the baby chimp rose to internet fame.

The zoo reported Kucheza was found dead while being cradled in his mother’s arms Thursday.

Zoo veterinarians have performed a necropsy and are waiting on the results to determine the cause of Kucheza’s death, the Facebook post read.

A necropsy is a term for an autopsy that is done on animals.

Kucheza’s family is also being cared for by zoo keepers throughout the grieving process.

“The chimp family has been quiet and subdued, but have started vocally greeting keepers again which is a good sign,” the post read. “Sukari (fellow female chimp) has been giving Mahale lots of extra attention and grooming.”

“They are all staying close together and nesting near each other,” the post read.

Zoo staff have been using “extra enrichment” to keep the family distracted and provide comfort as they heal and process, the post added.

The Sedgwick County Zoo said the community can donate online to Chimp SAFE, in honor of Kucheza. Chimp SAFE is a conservation organization dedicated to saving chimpanzees from extinction, the zoo’s site said.

“Kucheza was a beacon of love and light to the world during his short time on earth,” the zoo said.

Donations start at $5 and go up in increments of $5.
