Falmouth Town Elections: What you need to know.

Falmouth will hold its annual town election on Tuesday. The School Committee and Select Board races are contested, and there is one ballot question.

Other positions on the ballot include positions on the Planning Board, the Library Board of Trustees, the Housing Authority, several town meeting precinct member positions and the Municipal Light Board.

Current Select Board member Onjalé Scott Price is not running for reelection, and in her place Thomas Zine, Heather Goldstone and Richard Duby are the candidates seeking office.

Four candidates running for three seats on the School Committee include Kelly Welch, Katarina Nevin, Christopher Mathews and Glenda Cohen. Of the four candidates, Welch is the only incumbent running for reelection.

Both Select Board and School Committee seats are three-year terms.

When? Where?

There are nine precinct locations where residents can cast their votes on Tuesday, and they can be found on the town of Falmouth website, here. Sample ballots can also be found on the website as well.

Select Board Race

Thomas Zine

In a press release posted on his Facebook page, retired Massachusetts State Trooper and U.S. Army veteran Thomas Zine said he has a 30-year history of public service in Falmouth. Zine is a multi-sport athletic coach who currently serves on the Recreation Committee, as well as being a founding member of the Save Sandwich Road Now coalition working to save their neighborhoods from the environmental impacts of a 300-unit housing development.

“Through my experience as both a police officer and coach, I have been able to hear what is important to people in Falmouth,” Zine said. “That ability to listen to a diverse representation of the community will allow me to bring those issues to my work on the Select Board.”

Heather Goldstone

"I am running for Select Board because I care deeply about Falmouth," Goldstone said. "I have been here my entire adult life and it is the only home my children have known. We are facing multiple issues that have reached crisis points, including attainable housing, water quality, and coastal resilience, and I want to see us make progress so that Falmouth can be the thriving, diverse, and resilient community we all deserve."

Goldstone said she brings a unique set of skills and experiences.

"As a working mother of three children in Falmouth Public Schools, I am acutely aware of what’s at stake," she said. "With a Ph.D. from MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and more than a decade as a local public radio journalist, I have a base of knowledge about our region’s issues, and I’m not afraid to get into the data and complexities."

As a longtime interviewer and trained facilitator, Goldstone said she knows "how to bring in different perspectives and ask the questions that get to the heart of the matter, reveal connections, open up opportunities, and move important conversations forward. I'm excited to work for Falmouth's future."

Richard Duby

Spurred to run for a Select Board seat by witnessing what he said was dysfunctionality surrounding the firing and hiring of the previous and current town managers, Richard Duby has been involved in Falmouth public service and gun safety advocacy for a number of years.

In his capacity as the former president of the Falmouth Gun Safety Coalition, Duby said he created and maintains a database tracing the serial numbers of all retail sales of firearms in the state. As a Select Board member, he said he will focus on low-income and economically disadvantaged seniors.

“We neglect the most vulnerable of our citizens, we neglect low income, we neglect the elderly,” Duby said.

School Committee race

Kelly Welch

Incumbent Kelly Welch has served on the School Committee since 2014 and has been a town meeting member since 2011. She worked as a middle school teacher before her current role as a health educator for the Falmouth-based nonprofit Team Maurine.

“My work for the last 11 years has really been focused on reducing healthcare disparities,” Welch said. “And so that's something I bring to the School Committee, my professional work involves a lot about imagining the barriers that people encounter in education, trying to bring that thoughtfulness and that lens to my work.”

Other Candidates

There are three other candidates on the ballot for School Committee: Katarina Nevin, Christopher Mathews and Glenda Cohen. Nevin, Mathews and Cohen could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Ballot Question

A Proposition 2 1/2 override ballot question asks voters to allow Falmouth to pay for the bonds required to pay for the “engineering, design and replacement of the North Falmouth Elementary School roof.”

The work would cover a wide scope of repairs, as well as an architectural, engineering and HVAC evaluation of cost for the future addition of air conditioning and possible addition of solar energy panels.

Walker Armstrong reports on all things Cape and Islands, primarily focusing on courts, transportation and the Joint Base Cape Cod military base. Contact him at WArmstrong@capecodonline.com. Follow him on Twitter: @jd__walker.

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This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Three Falmouth residents seek Select Board seat. Here is who they are.
