Fall getaways in Texas mean getting behind the wheel, exploring state’s vast expanse

As the leaves turn brown and things cool down from a sun-kissed summer, it is the season to load up the car and see what Texas has to offer.

Fall getaways are common for many Texans, and destinations might actually be less crowded because children are in school and cooler temperatures set in across the state, according to the American Automobile Association.

In a survey from AAA, 73% of people said they plan to take a trip after Labor Day, with 52% saying road trips would be their preferred travel method. As gas prices continue to ease up, more drivers will hit the roadthis fall, according to AAA.

A majority of the Texans traveling this fall will do so by car and there’s something about a road trip, said Teia Collier, Texas Auto Writers Association president.

“They’re your people,” Collier said about being sandwiched in a car with family or friends. “Our lives move so fast now that, that road trip time is premium.”

Hitting the road in Texas

It’s no surprise that many people will drive since Texas has a built-in infatuation with their automobiles.

It stems from a home-grown love of the state and its sense of community, exploration and freedom of adventure, Collier said. That sense of exploration plays well into Texas since the state is massive and desirable destinations such as Austin, San Antonio and Houston are a mere few hours drive away.

It’s easy for anyone in the state to load up their vehicle and go because Texas has so much space for travel and play, Collier added.

“We literally have every terrain,” she said. “We’ve got mountains, we have rivers, we’ve got deserts, we have it all.”

The combination of car culture and an abundance of destinations make road trips fun for Texans, Collier said.

“If you notice about the vehicles that Texans adore, they’re vehicles that can get you from point A to point B first and then after that they’ve got some creature comforts because you might be sitting there a while,” she said.

A pickup for all seasons

As Texans hit the road this fall they’re more likely to take a truck, which hasn’t always been the case.

Around seven years ago, trucks were either used for work or play, Collier said. People had to decide whether a personal truck would be used for hauling and getting dirty or saved for a night-out on the town and kept pristine.

Now, trucks are made for wherever people want to go or do.

“The convenience features, the comfort features, the ability to go off road has changed,” she said. “[Trucks] look good, they’re polished, they’re solid and they also are versatile.”

A truck offers a flexibility that others vehicles do not, whether that be a casual commute around the town or the need to throw something in the back and get to work, Collier said. Newer double cab trucks also have more leg room in the back along with all the new technological bell and whistles.

Whether it’s hooking up a boat or camper trailer, trucks offer Texans the flexibility they need to explore and enjoy their state. But trucks are also versatile and can be used as an everyday driving vehicle or for work.

“That’s part of Texas you want to show,” Collier said. “It’s the evolution of the truck, but I think it’s evolved with the way people have evolved here in Texas.”

Take the drive

As Texans think about taking a bit of rest and relaxation, the fall might just be the ideal season.

Families can load up the suburban or SUV and hit the road, making memories with the people who matter most, Collier said. Or, take out a truck off road or maybe even taking the sleek sports car out on Texas’ long highways.

No matter what people drive or how they go, get out and have an adventure, Collier said. Go out of town, wave that tourist flag and see where the Texas highway leads.

“There’s so much more to explore, get in your car and go,” Collier said. “Go explore, go figure it out and then come back with good stories to tell people.”
