Fact Or Opinion: The Importance Of Understanding Your News

Fact Or Opinion: The Importance Of Understanding Your News

The digital age has most of us drowning in information. But not all information should be treated equal, and not all of it is news. Today kicks off the third annual National News Literacy Week with "Stop the flood of misinformation … care before you share" as its theme.

National News Literacy Week is a campaign promoting the importance of understanding your news in order to stop misinformation from spreading. This initiative is backed by more than 30 news organizations that have signed a letter in support of news literacy, agreed to publish it and/or donated ad space to help promote the week.

Last year, the average American adult spent about 11 hours a day consuming media on their computer, television or mobile device. That's a 20% increase from just a decade earlier.

The News Literacy Project works with educators and journalists to give students the skills they need to discern fact from fiction and to know what to trust.

For more on how to boost your news literacy skills, visit news newslit.org.
