How Your Eye Cream Could Actually Be Causing Your Dry Eyelids

dry eyelids
What Causes Dry Eyelids And How To Treat ThemImage Source

Let’s be honest, dry skin is never welcome. But when it appears on one of the most delicate areas of the skin, it can seem even more bothersome. We're talking about dry eyelids.

Meet our experts: Tiffany Jow Libby, MD, a board-certified dermatologist, Hadley King, MD, a dermatologist in NYC

“Eyelid skin is 80% thinner than that of the rest of the body, so it tends to be a bit more vulnerable and easily irritated,” says board-certified dermatologist, Tiffany Jow Libby, MD. Not to mention, having dry eyelids can lead to irritation, flaking, redness and even sensitivities on your lids causing you to wonder why on Earth the skin around your eyes is burning and itching. If you think you’re dealing with dry or flaky eyelids, here two dermatologists to help you get to the bottom of those dry lids, what causes them, and how to remedy the irritation just like a pro would.

What are dry eyelids?

According to Dr. Libby, dry eyelids refer to, “irritated, flaky skin around the eyes, which occur from the skin’s normal barrier being disrupted.” The dry skin then leads to a loss of hydration and moisture in the skin and inflammation follows.

Like all dry skin, most cases are easily detected when there is a change of texture and/or appearance. “You will know if you have dry skin on the eyelids if you have dryness, redness, itching, flaking or swelling,” Dr. Libby says. And, since the skin around the eyes is thin and often sensitive, these conditions may be more irritating on your lids than it would be on other parts of your body.

Hadley King, MD, a dermatologist in NYC, says another way to identify if you’re dealing with dry eyelids is to see how the skin reacts with a moisturizer. If there is inflammation and the flaking doesn’t resolve with moisturizing, then it is likely dry skin and can include conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis or eczema.

What causes dry eyelids?

Unfortunately, there are numerous causes of dry eyelids. These reasons can include, but aren’t limited to, genetic skin conditions, stress, and overall health. But when it comes to the most common concerns, both Dr. Libby and Dr. King agree that dry eyelids often come with seasonal changes like cold temps and dry weather. “During the fall and winter months, the weather can cause skin to be stripped of its oils which impairs the skin’s natural moisture barrier and leads to dry, itchy skin on the body.” It’s similar to how your lips are hydrated and smooth in the heat of summer, but then transform into chapped and cracked lips come winter time.

Another cause is allergens and irritants which are typical triggers for eczema or inflamed skin. “Common culprits may be makeup, perfume droplets, pollen or even nail polish,” Dr. Libby mentions. This is why skin experts recommend testing new products on a small area of skin before slathering it all over your face. This will help you understand if your skin has any negative reactions to specific ingredients.

Is there a way to remedy dry eyelids?

For starters, you’ll want to avoid applying products and makeup to your lids, in case they're causing your irritation and dryness. Temporarily, you’ll want to avoid eye creams and eye makeup so you don’t worsen the condition. Dr. Libby suggests making small changes and swapping your usual products for gentle, hydrating and calming products. “Look for products that are designed for sensitive skin types and are labeled as gentle, hypoallergenic, and fragrance-free,” Dr. Libby suggests.

If the irritation doesn’t budge, try applying an over-the-counter hydrocortisone 1% once or twice daily to bring relief. Though Dr. Libby warns that if you are needing this relief frequently, every few weeks, it’s time to visit your dermatologist to explore steroid-free prescription options and further testing and evaluations.

If you find that any of these steps do, in fact, cure the dry skin on your eyelids, don’t simply go back to your original routine. Continue using gentle and sensitive skin-friendly products to nourish the delicate skin around your eyes and avoid future irritations.

Ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, vitamin E, niacinamide, squalene and ceramides are Dr. Libby and Dr. King’s top picks for treating dry skin. However, Dr. King suggests avoiding occlusive ingredients like oils and waxes which form an inert layer on the skin and physically block transepidermal water loss. These include ingredients like petroleum, beeswax, mineral oil, silicones, lanolin and zinc oxide.

Bottom line: Dry eyelids are treatable.

Anyone can have dry eyelids and it may flare up without warning. But the good news is, it’s definitely curable. The key to curing your dry eyelids is to keep your products simple, gentle, and free of irritants. If the condition persists, call your dermatologist. But in most cases, you should be able to treat and prevent future flare ups by choosing gentle products to sooth inflammation and hydrate dry patches.

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