Exhibition explores how birds evolved from dinosaurs

A new exhibition that explores how birds have evolved from dinosaurs aims to "unlock the surprising secrets of avian survival".

Birds: Brilliant and Bizarre has opened at London's Natural History Museum.

The museum said the exhibition featured specimens of ancestors of modern birds and the first Tyrannosaurus Rex jawbone ever discovered.

Alex Burch, director of public programmes at the museum, said: "Throughout this exhibition, visitors will explore the extraordinary variety of the bird kingdom and learn the secrets of their success."

"We also hope that people will come away with a newfound appreciation for these great survivors," she added.

The museum said the exhibition explored how birds evolved from dinosaurs and their evolutionary adaptations through immersive and sensory displays.

Specimens on show include a canary, emu, albatross chick and white-tailed eagle.

There are also interactive games.

Museum director Doug Gurr said the world would be a "poorer place" without birds.

"In a world where every flap of a wing tells a story, our new exhibition beckons you to join the flock and unlock the surprising secrets of avian survival," he added.

The exhibition is affiliated with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and runs until January.

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