Here’s Exactly What an AMRAP Workout Is, Plus a Routine to Try at Home

woman exercising at home following a fitness video online
What Are AMRAP Workouts and Should You Do Them?Luis Alvarez - Getty Images

Personal trainers and exercise class instructors seem to have an acronym for everything, and it can be hard to keep up. Between gym slang like PR (personal record), HIIT (high intensity interval training), and EMOM (every minute on the minute), a beginner can feel lost pretty quickly. If you’ve recently heard the term “AMRAP” while at the gym and have no clue what an AMRAP workout is, don’t sweat it.

The acronym AMRAP stands for as many reps (or rounds) as possible. It’s a type of workout that requires you to do as many rounds or reps of an exercise as possible in a set period of time. This relatively simple prescription comes with loads of benefits, but it might not be right for everyone.

Curious to learn more about AMRAP workouts? Keep scrolling for the benefits of AMRAP workouts and the potential risks of this exercise method, according to fitness experts. Plus, check out a workout you can do without any equipment (bodyweight exercises!) if you’re game to give the style a go.

What is an AMRAP workout?

An AMRAP workout is based around the goal of doing as many reps or rounds of an exercise as possible in a set amount of time. “AMRAP workouts are a style of training executed during a specific period of time and build power, endurance, and strength,” says Kate Lemere, Barry’s chief instructor. “They’re made up of a set of exercises and reps (or rounds) that are repeated until the designated amount of time expires.”

AMRAP workouts are typically centered around HIIT style exercises, according to certified personal trainer, on-air fitness expert, and celebrity fitness/nutrition coach, Heather Wilson-Phillips. Think: quick, intense bursts of exercise that get the heart rate up.

“When you’ve decided to do an AMRAP workout, it really is you against the clock,” Wilson-Phillips adds, pointing out that the range of time can be anywhere from five minutes to an hour. Don’t forget that the “R” in AMRAP can stand for reps or rounds. “If you’re counting reps, intervals can range from 60 seconds to several minutes,” explains Lemere. “If you’re counting rounds, intervals can range from five to twenty minutes.”

Either way, “AMRAPs are meant to be intense, fast-moving, and executed with little to no rest,” says Lemere. That’s why the work time is usually shorter. “The goal, essentially, is to get as much work done in the prescribed time, so you get the most bang for your buck in terms of a workout,” notes Wilson-Phillips.

Benefits of AMRAP workouts

As for why someone might opt for an AMRAP workout, the design offers a range of benefits.

Build strength and cardio endurance

“AMRAPs can help build strength and aerobic conditioning while helping you focus on form and integrity of movement while under stress,” explains Lemere. “It makes for an efficient workout, improves your strength and cardio, [offers] neuromuscular improvements, and is a great way to burn fat and condition your body,” Wilson-Phillips says.

Accessible to all fitness levels

AMRAP workouts are customizable, making them relatively accessible to people of all fitness levels, both experts point out. You can adjust interval times and decide whether to incorporate weights or stick with bodyweight movements, depending on skill level.

Offer variety

“The combination of exercises, duration, sets, reps, and equipment is endless,” says Lemere. AMRAP workouts “can complement any training, from long-distance running to strength training.”

Potential risks of AMRAP workouts

While fitness experts agree AMRAP workouts can be customized for most people, there are some downsides to the exercise method you should know about before trying it for yourself. These are especially important to keep in mind if you’re new to working out or recovering from an injury.

Hard to maintain proper form

“When you’re moving so quickly, the integrity of your movement can suffer, increasing the risk of injury,” says Lemere. “Some individuals become very focused on the clock/time allotted and as a result end up no longer performing the exercise correctly,” adds Wilson-Phillips. “This is when poor form comes into play, and when that happens, you’re often more prone to falls, slips, and injuries.”

Not for everyone

When in doubt, always listen to your body. “Even though you are going against the clock, it is still very important to listen to your body, especially if you’re a beginner, and move at a reasonable rate,” says Wilson-Phillips. “Like anything else, personal preference is everything,” adds Lemere. “AMRAPs are not for everyone!”

As with any workout regimen, you should consult your doctor and/or a personal trainer before trying something new.

15-Minute Bodyweight AMRAP workout

If you’re ready to give an AMRAP (aka as many reps as possible) workout a try, keep scrolling for an example from Wilson-Phillips.

Complete the following exercises using bodyweight as many times as possible in 15 minutes, taking breaks when needed:

  • 25 jump squats: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outward. Keep back straight, engage core, and maintain good posture. Bend knees and push hips back, keeping weight in heels. Descend until thighs are parallel to the ground. Quickly push through feet, extending hips and engaging leg muscles for upward momentum. Swing arms up for added propulsion. Prepare to land by bending knees and hips, absorbing impact. Land softly on balls of feet with slightly bent knees for stability.

  • 20 push-ups: Start in a plank position with hands shoulder-width apart. Lower body by bending arms, keeping back straight. Push back up to the starting position.

  • 15 high knees: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart. Lift one knee toward chest and then repeat on the other side, alternating quickly between knees and pumping arms for momentum.

  • 10 crunches: Lie on back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place hands behind head or across chest. Contract abdominal muscles and lift head, shoulders, and upper back off the ground. Lower back down to the starting position.

  • 5 burpees: Start in a standing position. Squat down and place hands on the ground. Jump feet into a plank position. Jump feet back in towards hands. Explosively jump up with arms raised.

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