Envisioning Greater: Dream big. The journey is worth the work.

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Envision Greater Fond du Lac logo

The entrepreneurial journey can be filled with excitement, challenges and opportunities. Entrepreneurs are filled with resilience, creativity, grit and passion. When the proverbial "spark" goes off and an idea finds its way to the forefront of the mind, the planning begins. Inspiration and ideation are followed by building the blueprint.

Once things start to take shape, the budding entrepreneur must put pen to paper and write the business plan. Once written, it can be invaluable to seek assistance, review and validation from a mentor, expert, potential customer, friend or family member. Requesting and receiving feedback is part of the refinement process that builds the foundation for the business to become a reality.

Turning the vision into reality can be scary. From finding funding to securing a location to marketing of the business, the concept of going from idea to fruition can be a huge leap.

Although resilience and adaptability are part of the fabric most entrepreneurs are made of, keeping the train moving forward can sometimes require accountability.

Accountability, by definition, means to require someone to answer for their actions. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, it can be hard to hold one’s self accountable.

How about if there were a person, or group of persons, who would help? Be supportive? Be motivating? Hold you accountable for what you say you’ll do? What if there were a regular meeting where you could make measurable goals and receive help in reaching them?

Welcome to 90x90. This innovative approach to accountability is here. Now.

If your business is ready to supercharge growth in the next 90 days (the first 90), join Envision Greater Fond du Lac for this exclusive workshop designed to help strategically plan the next chapter of the business journey. In just one hour and 30 minutes (the second 90), attendees will gain invaluable insights, tools and strategies to propel the business to the next level.

Participation in a program such as the 90x90 can help expand horizons, refocus initiatives, and help with growth and scaling. Having others to lean on can help in addressing some of the questions faced by entrepreneurs: Do I fully understand the market? Do I fully realize the customer needs? Do I have the right technological systems in place? Is my infrastructure robust? And more.

Having a solid foundation is the necessary platform to sustain the business. Seeking the insight, innovation and leadership from like-minded people will afford new business owners the opportunity to see the full picture.

More Envisioning Greater: Click here to view more Envisioning Greater columns by Tracy Qualmann

Entrepreneurship is a transformational journey. It is not for the faint of heart. The journey will include highs and lows, successes and setbacks, and likely will provide some of the most interesting (and frustrating?) learning experiences ever.

If you are still interested in taking that next step after reading this, let Envision help. Visit https://www.envisiongreaterfdl.com/entrepreneurship/ for information about the 90x90 events, as well as other insightful tools and resources to explore along the journey.

For more about Envision Greater Fond du Lac as a whole, visit https://www.envisiongreaterfdl.com/.

Tracy Qualmann is senior director of marketing & communication for Envision Greater Fond du Lac.

This article originally appeared on Fond du Lac Reporter: Envisioning Greater: Dream big. The journey is worth the work.
