Harry Potter: The Exhibition is now in NYC and we got a first look

We spoke with the CEO of Imagine Exhibitions about the new Harry Potter exhibition that just opened in New York City

Video Transcript

TOM ZALLER: "Harry Potter," the Exhibition, is an immersive walk through into the "Harry Potter" world where you get to see these original props and costumes set in beautiful environments, personalized on a journey for you as a fan at whatever level.


Hi, I'm Tom Zaller at "Harry Potter," the Exhibition. I'm the President of Imagine Exhibitions, and I'm here with "In The Know." This is the largest and most comprehensive touring "Harry Potter" experience that's ever been done. New York City is the center of the universe. It's an epic place to bring this exhibition.

We have a huge space to really make this exhibition as full as it can be. It's over 30,000 square feet. There's original props and costumes. Combined with that, we have this layer of technology to personalize your journey. So as you come in, you'll get this little wrist tag, which is like a snitch, and you'll register yourself. So you'll your name, your house, your patronus, pick a wand.

And as you go through the experience, there's all these little interactive things you can do. Super big cool media environments that are, like, mind-blowing because they're floor to ceiling video. And then you go and explore these little intimate moments. Like, we take you in classrooms, wands classroom, and a potions classroom. You go to herbology and you can plant a mandrake. You go into divination. You go around the corner from there, and then all of a sudden you're in the Forbidden Forest and there might be a dragon.

You play Quidditch. You see a Time Turner. You see a giant golden snitch. We really spend a lot of time trying to satisfy every fan. So you may really like going into the Great Hall area because we have these cool floating candles, but you also maybe never played Quidditch and never threw a Quidditch ball before, or maybe you want to cast a spell, or a lot of people love the costumes, intricacy of the quality of the craftsmanship that was used in the films. All of that's represented. Or you want to learn a little bit about behind the scenes. We have stories about why filmmakers chose this move or that music or that moment. So, I mean, it's really-- there's something for everybody.

