Sama and Haya Khadra reveal their biggest fashion icon -- and it will warm your heart

Sama and Haya Khadra reveal their biggest fashion icon -- and it will warm your heart

Sama and Haya Khadra have met and worked with some of the biggest contemporary icons in the fashion industry including Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld. But the person whose style they love to emulate can't be found on a red carpet or walking down a catwalk. Their biggest fashion icon is their eight-year-old little sister who constantly reminds the twins to wear what they want and be confident in their sartorial choices.

We recently sat down with the stylish DJs and asked them our rapid fire questions, including why their sister is their fashion muse, who they would love to collaborate with and more!

YouShouldKnow is a feature that showcases up-and-coming social stars. To see more of past interviews, including more exclusive features on Sama and Haya Khadra, click here.

How you would describe your uniform?
There has to have sporty element and a sexy element involved. It's all about silhouettes for us.

The one designer you can't live without?
Chanel! We wear Chanel everyday -- even if it's just the lipstick or a piece of jewelry. It just elevates every outfit so we need Chanel in our lives.

The biggest misconception people have about DJs?
That they just press a button and that's it.

What's your favorite song of all time?
We love anything Lauryn Hill!

Your favorite music video of all time?
In terms of choreography, Ciara's "Ride." Also, we love any old Madonna videos.

If you could collaborate with one artist, who would it be?
There's so many! We love new artists but we would love to do something with Kanye. I think he's a progressive thinker and he doesn't care what other people think and I think that's cool. But also we would love to work with a legend like Lauryn Hill or Madonna or even Beyonce. Also Cranium. We have so many people!

Your biggest fashion icon?
Growing up it was definitely our mom. Now it's my mom and our little sister. The clothes never wear her. The focus is on her and her aura and I found my little sister inspiring in that way because she's so care-free and pulls everything off because she's confident about it.

If you could only live in one city, where would it be?
L.A. It's the best city in the world!

The best piece of advice you've ever received?
To be present. Also live life through a birds-eye view and be able to objectify every situation and see it from a big picture. I have a metaphor that explains it. If you're looking for a bird in a tree and you're standing under a tree and looking through each branch, it will take you forever to find it. But if you step back and look at it from a distance, the bird will be right there in front of you.

YouShouldKnow is a feature that showcases up-and-coming social stars. To see more of past interviews, including more exclusive features on Sama and Haya Khadra, click here.


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