Energetic tiger takes on Easter egg at UK zoo. See adorable video of animals playing

Screengrab from London Zoo's Twitter video

Kids aren’t the only ones who enjoy Easter egg hunts. The animals at a U.K. zoo had a ball with their own version of the holiday tradition, video shows.

Zookeepers at the London Zoo didn’t want their animals to “miss out on the Easter egg-citement,” the zoo said on Twitter on April 5.

To share the fun, they placed brightly-colored Easter eggs in the habitats of the “Sumatran tigers, meerkats and squirrel monkeys,” Reuters reported.

Video shared by the zoo shows the energetic tigers taking on the eggs. They rolled the eggs around, picked some up and carried others.

One tiger latched onto a yellow egg and waved it around wildly, the video shows. In another clip, the tiger sits on the egg.

For the monkeys, the Easter eggs were hung in the trees and filled with snacks, the video shows. The orange-colored monkeys rummaged around in the eggs and munched on the contents.

In the meerkat exhibit, the colorful eggs were hung on stumps and branches. The striped animals eagerly reached inside and ate the treats they found.

“We’re always exploring creative ways for our animals to practise their natural foraging and hunting behaviours, and Easter provides the perfect opportunity,” the zoo said on Twitter.

The zoo also offers an Easter egg hunt for humans, according to the event listing. Visitors can follow the clues through a trail of hidden eggs from April 1 to 16.

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