Emmerdale tragedy and 8 more soap spoilers for this week

Note: The following article contains discussion of themes including suicide and pregnancy loss, that some readers may find upsetting.

Soap spoilers follow.

Struggling to keep track of the constant stream of soap spoilers? Fear not, as every Monday Digital Spy picks out the biggest and best storylines hitting your screens in the week ahead.

1. Emmerdale: Charity and Mack lose their baby

(Thursday at 7.30pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Having just got his head around Charity's surprise pregnancy, Mackenzie is enjoying making a fuss of her and is touched when Moira tells him he'll make a great dad. But just as the couple start looking forward to their future, tragedy strikes when Charity begins experiencing tummy pains.

Moments later, Mack arrives at Jacob's Fold to find his girlfriend lying on the floor and quickly rushes her to the hospital. While Charity undergoes a series of tests, Mack puts on a brave face, but sadly their worst fears are confirmed when the doctor reveals Charity's pregnancy is ectopic, and therefore not viable.

Floored by the horrendous news, Charity and Mack listen to the heartbeat of the baby they are about to lose, and then are left alone to process what needs to happen next.

Afterwards, an emotionally-drained Charity is grateful for Mack's strength and support, but it soon becomes clear he's not coping with their devastating loss.

2. Coronation Street: Zeedan and Alya stand by Stu

(Wednesday at 8pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

As Stu remains in prison following his arrest last week, Zeedan becomes convinced he has been the victim of a miscarriage of justice. After learning from Craig that the detective who got Stu charged with murder took early retirement for a false reason, Zeedan asks him to investigate further.

Meanwhile, Yasmeen continues to ignore Stu's pleas to hear him out and is alarmed to learn that he could be released within a matter of days. Later on, Roy calls at Speed Daal to find her suffering a panic attack and struggling for breath. Roy helps calm his friend down.

Zeedan goes to see Stu in prison and agrees to help prove he was framed. Calling in at the solicitor's office, he asks Adam to request Stu's old case files, but when Yasmeen finds out what her grandson has done, she's furious.

Undeterred, Zeedan meets up with Adam in Victoria Gardens and learns it'll cost him £1,200 to access the paperwork. Knowing he's the former veteran's only hope, Zeedan manages to convince Alya to go halves on the legal fees, and hands the dosh over to Adam, confirming they'd like to see Stu's files.

3. EastEnders: Sam plots a deadly revenge on Lewis

(Tuesday at 7.30pm on BBC One)

Photo credit: BBC
Photo credit: BBC

As fragile Ben is discharged from hospital to continue his recovery at home, Phil seeks out Keeble and demands she brings Lewis to justice. Elsewhere, unable to convince Kat to give her another chance, Sam decides to cut her losses in Walford.

Glad that she'll be finally rid of her, Kat agrees to give Sam the safe code to retrieve her passport, on the condition she doesn't touch anything else. But when Zack suddenly rings to say he has located Lewis, Sam swipes Phil's gun from inside the safe, intent on using it on her nephew's rapist.

Later, Phil gets a shock when Sam reveals she has Lewis tied up in the boot of the car and in possession of his firearm. Determined to make Lewis suffer and prove herself as a Mitchell, Sam tells Phil it's time for revenge.

Although initially reluctant, Phil accompanies Sam to a disused warehouse. Will they do away with Lewis?

4. Hollyoaks: Sienna and Warren's feud reaches a climax

(Wednesday at 7pm on E4 and Thursday at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

Photo credit: Lime Pictures
Photo credit: Lime Pictures

Sienna's number could be up when Warren puts a hit out on her, but her life is spared when Ste unintentionally saves her. An encounter with Damon soon leads Sienna to realise Warren must be drugging her, but instead of confronting him, she continues playing happy families.

While Sienna bides her time, Norma sends a picture of her to her hired hitman, the embalmer. But when Sienna goes off grid, the embalmer mistakenly targets Liberty instead. After allowing the killer into her flat, events take a terrifying turn for Liberty when she accidentally poisons him with a cup of tea.

Meanwhile, at the eleventh hour, Warren has second thoughts about murdering Sienna, but when he finds her in the village unharmed, the pair realise someone else is in peril.

The enemies finally have it out in an epic showdown, but are stunned when Norma offers them the proposition of working together.

Sienna decides she wants out of the criminal world and she embarks on a mission to track down the owner of the vehicle which ran Warren down. However, nothing prepares her for when the shocking truth is finally revealed.

5. Emmerdale: Naomi is arrested for attacking Charles

(Monday at 7.30pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

After Ethan pleads with her to give Charles a second chance, Naomi arrives at the church and tells her dad she's willing to talk things through. However, the pair are unable to resolve matters calmly, and as Manpreet hears quarrelling coming from the church, she sees an irate and tearful Naomi flee the building.

Heading inside to see what's going on, Manpreet is horrified to find the vicar lying unconscious and rings for an ambulance.

Minutes later, the paramedics arrive on the scene and Naomi bursts back in demanding to know if Charles is alright.

Convinced she's responsible for Charles's collapse, Manpreet orders Naomi out, while Harriet arrests the youngster on suspicion of assault. However, things may not be all they seem.

6. Coronation Street: Audrey drops a tragic bombshell

(Monday at 8pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

While enjoying a spot of afternoon tea with Rita and Ken, Audrey is surprised to see Claudia arriving at the hotel, with Charles in tow. After getting caught up in a row with Charles, Claudia is relieved to see the Weatherfield trio, who are on hand to offer comfort.

But everyone is stunned into silence when Audrey shares some heartbreaking news – she recently tried to take her own life.

As her old friends reel, Audrey returns home with renewed vigour and announces she wants to give the salon a complete makeover, no expense spared. Stephen informs Ken and Rita about his mum's grand plans and suspects they know more than they're letting on.

Later, Stephen confronts Audrey, who brushes off his concern by making out she had a minor health scare. But Stephen spies his chance to take control, suggesting now would be a good time for her to sign the trust fund paperwork. Audrey insists she's in no hurry, much to Stephen's frustration.

Another idea forms in Stephen's mind when Michael points out the Underworld website needs updating. And after managing to convince Sarah their intended web designer has been embezzling money, scheming Stephen offers to do the work himself with Max's help.

7. EastEnders: Stuart's behaviour raises concern

(Monday at 7.30pm on BBC One)

Photo credit: BBC
Photo credit: BBC

Emotions are running high on Albert Square as Avery's loved ones gather to say goodbye to him. Jay is not best pleased when Stuart arrives late for the funeral, and things go from bad to worse when he messes up the service, causing Mitch distress.

Bombarded with complaints over Stuart's lack of professionalism, Jay is left with no other choice but to fire him.

The next day, as Callum and Vi reel over his sacking, they're given further cause for concern when Stuart returns from seeing his doctor and starts packing up all his belongings. Fearing he has been told the worst, the pair ask Stuart about his cancer diagnosis, but are puzzled when he claims he has been given the all-clear.

Karen tries a different approach and finally Stuart opens up, admitting he has signed over all his parental rights to Rainie. As they talk, Karen suggests he could be suffering from postnatal depression, and is able to convince Stuart to go and seek help from a GP.

8. Hollyoaks: Tony exposes Eric

(Tuesday at 7pm on E4 and Wednesday at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

Photo credit: Lime Pictures
Photo credit: Lime Pictures

Already appalled that Cindy accused Mason of being her masked intruder, Honour is fuming when she refuses to say sorry to her son.

Meanwhile, the real culprit, Eric, is on a mission to destroy Cindy and warns Verity to stay well away from her. Ignoring his advice, she vows to support her troubled friend, which leads scorned Eric to spew more poison about Cindy to an online community. Tony walks in while he's mid-rant, but will he realise what's going on?

The following day, the Hutchinson family invite Cindy over for lunch in a bid to lift her spirits. But Eric has got some explaining to do when Tony goes through his laptop and finds a folder full of images of Cindy.

Thinking on his feet, cunning Eric makes out he has been harbouring a huge crush on Cindy, but will Tony be gullible enough to fall for his brother's lie?

9. Home and Away: Tex's hidden agenda is revealed

(Friday at 1.45pm on Channel 5)

Photo credit: Channel 5
Photo credit: Channel 5

Rose's romance with newcomer Tex is going from strength to strength, despite Xander's concerns that she's using him to escape her feelings for Cash. But it seems Tex has an ulterior motive for being in the Bay when he snoops around the gym office and steals a photo of Mia and Ari.

Later, Tex meets up with a group of bikies at an industrial warehouse and hands over the snap, confirming he has found the man who stole money from the gang.

With the Parata clan now under surveillance, Chloe is unaware of the looming danger as Tex starts stalking her and is able to discover she's Ari's stepdaughter.

Elsewhere, Xander is starting to have his suspicions about Tex and warns Rose he might not be all he seems. But a bit of smooth-talking from Tex is all it takes to ease Rose's mind, and their relationship is right back on track.

Events take a sinister turn when Tane later finds the missing picture of Mia and Ari on his car, accompanied by a threatening note reading: ‘Your brother stole our money. We want it back'. Will he realise who's targeting his family?

We would encourage anyone who identifies with the topics raised in this article to reach out. Organisations who can offer support include Samaritans on 116 123 (www.samaritans.org) or Mind on 0300 123 3393 (www.mind.org.uk). Readers in the US are encouraged to visit mentalhealth.gov or the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Sands supports anyone affected by the death of a baby. You can contact the Sands National Helpline on 0808 164 3332, or email helpline@sands.org.uk.

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