Elusive animal captured on trail camera — but Texas officials don’t know what it is

Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park - Texas Parks and Wildlife

An elusive critter was spotted lurking in Texas, but the animal’s identity is a mystery to state wildlife experts.

“We’re scratching our heads trying to identify this elusive creature,” Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park said in an April 6 Facebook post.

Officials with the park shared a photo from a trail camera in the Rio Grande Valley, which shows what appears to be a four-legged animal walking among trees at night.

“Is it a new species? An escapee from a nearby zoo? Or just a park ranger in disguise?” the state park questioned. “Regardless, it’s thrilling to see such an incredible animal in its natural habitat.”

Officials with Texas Parks and Wildlife are investigating the “mystery” and said they will keep the public updated with any findings.

If you have a guess on what this animal might be, you can let Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park know in the comments of their Facebook post.

Several people have already shared their ideas — some more serious than others.

A badger or a really fat short dog,” one person said.

“It looks like a bear with its head down sniffing the ground to me,” said another. “It’s not little.”

“Looks like two wild boar moving in opposite directions,” one Facebook user commented.

“Clearly a chupacabra,” one person wrote.

“Giraffe…,” someone joked. “I’m goin with giraffe.”

Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park is located along the southern border of Texas.

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