Eddie Gibbs becomes first formerly incarcerated N.Y. Assembly member

A Democratic district leader from East Harlem became the first formerly incarcerated person elected to the state Assembly on Wednesday after winning a special election for the seat.

Eddie Gibbs beat out Republican Daby Benjamine Carreras in the 68th Assembly district, representing East Harlem and Randalls Island, with about 80% of the vote — 896 votes, according to the state Board of Elections.

Gibbs will replace former Assemblyman Robert Rodriguez, who stepped down to become Gov. Hochul’s secretary of state.

”I feel the weight of history and the need to be a role model for all the kids out there who might be struggling like I was,” he said on Thursday. “My win is bigger than just me — I’m showing formerly incarcerated people that a better path is possible for them.”

New York State Assembly member-elect Edward Gibbs (D-East Harlem)
New York State Assembly member-elect Edward Gibbs (D-East Harlem)

New York State Assembly member-elect Edward Gibbs (D-East Harlem) (BRIAN BRANCH PRICE/)

Gibbs pleaded guilty to manslaughter in 1988 and served four years in state prison. In a recent interview with City & State, he expressed remorse for his crime, but also claimed that what we did was in self-defense.

“This guy attacked me. I was defending myself. I turned myself in. I didn’t hide from the police. I walked to the precinct and I turned myself in,” he said. “I gave a statement right then and there. I was given three years. A plea. I think because of the remorse I was showing and mitigating circumstances, I was given that lenient sentence.”

Gibbs earned an associate’s degree in business while incarcerated. After his release, he did standup comedy and rapped with famed hip hop legends Biggie Smalls and Big L.

More recently he’s worked as a campaign operative and handled get-out-the-vote for several elected officials, including Mayor Eric Adams and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.
