'It should be easy to vote’: AOC denounces NYC Board of Election for long lines and delays in early voting

AOC is declaring war on New York’s creaky election operation.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) representing parts of Queens and the Bronx, accused voting officials of making it tough to cast ballots in the Big Apple on Monday, pointing to hours-long lines and absentee ballot screw-ups.

“It should be easy to vote. That’s not a controversial position to have,” AOC tweeted. “And we should deeply care about disenfranchisement wherever it happens.”

New Yorkers had looked forward to the first experience with early voting in a presidential election this year.

But voters last weekend were forced to wait in lines that stretched for four hours or more and earlier in the year, thousands of Brooklyn voters received absentee ballots that were addressed to others and had to be discarded, due to a printing error.

AOC, who first won election in 2018 with a shocking upset over a powerful Democratic Party machine-backed incumbent, trashed New York’s Board of Elections as a cesspool of corruption and incompetence.

State law mandates that local boards of elections are run by officials nominated by Democratic and Republican parties, and in practice are staffed by political hacks. Reformers say elections should be run by a non-partisan government agency.
