'We Drove Across the Country For This?': 7 Scathing Yelp Reviews of Mount Rushmore


What's the Rush?

Some people spend their whole lives checking off bucket-list destinations. For fans of American landmarks, Mt. Rushmore is sure to pop up. But is it even worth it? Should you brave the drive? Here are seven reviews that say otherwise.

Lincoln at Mount Rushmore
Ira B. / Yelp

"Did Anyone Die While Carving That?"

One Yelper thought it would be pretty cool if somebody died while carving Mt. Rushmore. Heck of a story that would make right there. Thankfully, despite fourteen years of dangerous and harsh conditions, there were no fatalities among the nearly 400 people that worked on the monument. The review stills ends with one star, and the ever-aggressive "Screw you, Mt. Rush."

crowds at Mount Rushmore
Bee W. / Yelp

"This Is Ridiculous."

To be fair, getting stuck at Mt. Rushmore when "half of the trail is closed because of construction, in the middle of summer vacations, during the world's largest motorcycle rally" sounds truly horrific.

mount rushmore far back
Sarah W. / Yelp

So Much for That Annual Pass

Don't expect to use your National Parks Pass to cover parking at this national memorial. You'll end up like this angry guy who wrote a novel-length review about his distaste for the place. The National Park Service's Mt. Rushmore site explains that annual passes don't cover parking. The good news is that even if you don't have an annual pass, there's no entrance fee to Mt. Rushmore

Mount Rushmore Close up
Ira B. / Yelp

"Do NOT Bring Kids to This Thing"

One Yelper mentions that the monument is "not very good," and actually "kind of scary," so much so that his little sister cried. Those sculptures are pretty creepily lifeless. The eyes probably follow you around. We get it.

parking lot at Mount Rushmore
Holly K. / Yelp

Ten Whole Dollars?!

It's hard to find a single review that doesn't mention the $10 parking fee. While this disappointing commercialization of what's supposed to be American history is definitely annoying, people should maybe consider relaxing about it. $10 isn't the end of the world.

Mount Rushmore at night
Tracy L. / Yelp

"Major Disappointment"

Most people note the monument being smaller than they expected. "We drove across the country and through SD for this?" asks one user. Others mentioned the statues looking eroded and barely visible.

Mount Rushmore crowds
Judy R. / Yelp

"Not Even Sure Who All Those Men Are Up There"

Drew C. wasn't happy with the fact that there's no VIP section and had to "rub elbows with all these freakin peons." Drew C. also referred to this as a natural rock formation called Mountainous Rushmore and gave one star for this "lumpy rock," so we like the cut of Drew C.'s jib. More landmark reviews from you, please.

" bernardbodo"
" bernardbodo"

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