Driver on North Main Street reportedly runs over geese, killing mother and 3 goslings

John Finley has worked in hospice. He also witnessed a shooting when he was 16.

He said none of that prepared him for what he saw Monday afternoon.

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Finley and Dawn Foster, his fiancee, were driving into Mansfield in the 800 block of North Main Street when they and other drivers stopped as a gaggle of geese crossed the road. He added there were probably 12 or 13 geese.

Finley said one driver who had initially stopped then sped up and ran over a female goose and four goslings.

"That was horrible, totally unacceptable," he said.

The incident happened about 4:30 p.m. Monday in front of Warren Rupp. Finley and Foster pulled their car off the road and tried to help.

"Three of them (goslings) passed. I was holding the fourth one, and it started kicking around," Finley said. "I set it down, and it ran to the father."

The mother goose died in Foster's arms.

Mansfield police responded and took a report. Finley credited the officers for taking the case seriously.

"I don't know if we'll be able to catch the guy," Finley said, adding he hoped security cameras may have recorded the vehicle.

Finley is offering a $250 reward for an arrest and prosecution of the driver.

People can contact Mansfield police or reach out to Finley on Facebook. His middle initial is "I." Tipsters can be anonymous.

Finley urges people to slow down for wildlife.

"It only takes a moment," he said.


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This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: Mansfield police look into report of intentional running over of geese
