Drake surprised students at this hospitality class at FIU. Here’s what he told them

AP File

Well, lookie who popped by.

Frequent visitor to the 305 Drake was the surprise guest at the David Grutman Experience at Florida International University’s Biscayne Bay campus Thursday evening.

Surprise being the operative word. When Drake strolled casually in the door, people looked shocked, then did what came naturally —yanked out their phones to document the occasion.


Grutman, who owns such hot spots as LIV, Swan, Komodo and Story, has been teaching this class on how to be a baller at FIU Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management since October 2019. Past selfie worthy speakers include Barstool Sports chief Dave Portnoy and soccer star David Beckham.

Drake touched on a few topics — first order of business, letting everyone know his latest album, “Her Loss” with 21 Savage, was about to drop — then took questions from giddy audience members.

One student asked what Drake likes to do when he goes out. Celebrity watchers may recall how the native Canadian frequently rents out local venues like Dave & Busters and Prime 112 for parties.

Apparently, that’s the music star’s jam: Drake explained for the takeovers he prefers to form personal relationships with club owners, and have private parties, even more so in wake of the pandemic.

Drake also said that putting in the time is key to success and told students that the fact that they were sacrificing their evening to be there said a lot about them.

READ MORE: Drake celebrated his 36th birthday in Miami at this ‘sexy’ venue. We have details

“We could all spend our lives turning up, and you know f--king around, sitting at home drowning our minds in mindless content,” Drake said. “I think it’s all amazing that at 8:30 at night on what’s about to be a Friday that you’re all here trying to learn something and trying to elevate yourselves. I think you should all be proud of that. You’re here for a reason. There’s other people who don’t really care as much. I wish you all the best in this life.”

FIU is not Drake’s first rodeo. In 2018, the native Canadian famously surprised kids at the University of Miami and Miami Senior High School, singing, taking selfies and doling out cash, footage which ended up in his “God’s Plan” video.
