Dracula Teams Up With Blade’s Daughter In Special Marvel Comic Series


The summer season is about to get spooky with a new Dracula story. No, not Bram Stoker's Dracula, but the one from Marvel. The iconic vampire is teaming up with Blade’s daughter Brielle, more popularly known as Bloodline.

Dracula: Blood Hunt will be a three-issue tie-in series by Danny Lore, who wrote last year’s Bloodline: Daughter of Blade. It’s an exciting concept that brings Dracula together with a close member of his archenemy with an aligned goal that hasn’t been revealed yet. The series is a part of the larger Blood Hunt crossover event with many other heroes thrown in the mix.

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"One of the most interesting things about Dracula, for me, is that he doesn't run on mortal time, and because of that, his reasoning tends toward shadowy and full of schemes," said Lore. "Right now, his goal is to keep Brielle safe—but what does it mean to protect the kid of the number-one thorn in your side? And why?"

Lore is excited to broaden the Marvel universe by diving into Vampyrsk. "In the early stages of a Marvel character’s history, one of the most important moments is when their world broadens to include the rest of their universe," Lore added. "In her origin, we brought the world of magic and the supernatural to Brielle, and I’m overjoyed to be a part of bringing HER to the world of capes and super heroes."

"I’m obviously very excited to be part of this crossover which is spearheaded by Pepe Larraz, one of the most important artists of our entire generation," said Vincenzo Carratù, the artist for Bloodhunt. "I'm very grateful to my editors for giving me the chance to be a part of this. I love drawing monsters, and Dracula is the prince of all monsters. It's always fun to be able to draw a battle between vampires because they allow you to do things that cannot be done with normal anatomies and Dracula is the icing on the cake!"

Dracula: Blood Hunt #1 hits store shelves in May.<p>Marvel Comics</p>
Dracula: Blood Hunt #1 hits store shelves in May.

Marvel Comics

The Blood Hunt storyline will see at least eight limited series, with various one-shots, series tie-ins and the main series, a lot of which will be revealed throughout this week. The entire Blood Hunt crossover event will run from May to June this year.

Dracula: Blood Hunt #1 will go on sale on May 8, 2024. Make sure to pick up its prelude, Blood Hunt/X-Men #1, right before that on Free Comic Book Day 2024.
