Doctor Who's David Tennant Trolls Son Ty At London Comic Con


Fathers poking fun at their sons: It’s a time-honored tradition — one that is being lovingly passed down in actor David Tennant’s household.

The “Doctor Who” star and his son Ty Tenant, who recently appeared in HBO’s “House of the Dragon,” both headlined at London’s Comic Con this week. The elder Tennant posed holding a cheeky sign over his son’s head, in a photo shared by Georgia Tennant, the 20-year-old actor’s mother.

“He’s not that special!” the sign reads, as the father looks at the camera with a straight face while his son, seemingly oblivious at what appears to be a fan meet-and-greet table, stares off into the distance.

Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor in BBC's Doctor Who. (BBC)
Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor in BBC's Doctor Who. (BBC)

The prank is a family tradition. Peter Davison, who played the fifth “Doctor Who” in the 1980s, happens to be David Tennant’s father-in-law and Ty Tennant’s grandfather.

In April, Davison held up a similar sign for his son-in-law at another Comic Con in Wales — though this time, the word “that” is underlined, whereas Tennant underscored “He’s,” apparently responding to the original months later.

“The saga continues,” one fan tweeted, showing an image of what appears to be Davison holding up another sign near Michael Sheen, who starred with David Tennant in the show “Good Omens,” that reads, “Now he is special.”

David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor in BBC's
David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor in BBC's

Just how long can this playful tradition carry on? Well, it’s a big family.

Georgia Tennant also acted in “Doctor Who,” which is how she met David Tennant, the 10th and 14th doctors in the series. They have five children including Ty Tenant, Georgia Tennant’s first-born son, whom David Tennant adopted, according to an interview he did with Absolute Radio in 2012.

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