Downtown parking study event welcomes public

EAU CLAIRE — To determine the future of Eau Claire’s parking, Downtown Eau Claire, Inc. is holding an event where citizens can offer their input that is a part of a larger study.

According to the press release from DECI, the event will be held on Wednesday, May 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall North Conference Room.

Erin Klaus, DECI executive director and communication and promotions coordinator, said the goal of the event on Wednesday is to allow the community to offer their perspective and will allow them to learn about what is already being considered as well as what the goals of the study are.

The consultant for the study is Jon Forster, who is a parking and mobility planner with Fishbeck Consulting according to the business’s website.

The study will take six months and will look into what is needed for downtown parking and will give the city advice based on what is found, according to the press release.

Klaus said while Forster has done some preliminary research, this event will be the starting point of the study.

The next steps in the next week will involve Forster interacting with the community, including business improvement districts, city officials, and people and organizations in the community, according to the press release.

Klaus said this study was asked for by businesses and community in the downtown area so there would be an updated study before any changes are made to downtown parking.

The city had previously presented a concept of paid parking to businesses based on studies conducted before the pandemic, said Klaus. Businesses had said a lot has changed since the previous studies, including the most recent one made in 2019, were made.

“I am very hopeful that this is a positive step in community engagement and creates a downtown that works for everybody,” said Klaus.

The public will be able to attend the event on Wednesday to provide their perspective on downtown parking.
