Don’t let slate of radical candidates wreck success of the College of Western Idaho

CWI board

As Election Day approaches, I have some concerns about a radical group who want to make changes to the College of Western Idaho. Their defunding education agenda is based around cutting education spending and reducing property taxes. What they fail to acknowledge is that CWI is the most cost-effective institution in the state of Idaho, charging only $139 per credit hour. The property taxpayer burden is also very minimal. Example: The mill levy in Canyon County for mosquito abatement is higher than the CWI property tax assessment. The community college is the best way to train work-ready students, nurses and technical trade candidates for entry into the workforce.

President Gordon Jones and the board of trustees are doing a fabulous job serving the 30,000 students and our community needs for these work-ready graduates. Let us continue to support this strong student growth, economic value, and terrific leadership. I urge you to vote for Molly Lenty, Annie Hightower, Jim Reames, and Nichole Bradshaw on Nov. 8.

Bill Ilett, Boise

Vote for Wintrow

I became interested in Blair Moss, candidate for District 19 Senate, because all the campaign materials I have seen there is no mention of her political party. As an very conservative Republican running against a respected and established Democrat in District 19, that is probably wise if somewhat disingenuous .

On looking at her campaign web page most of the bullet points seem to be crafted to be as ambiguous as possible. Nonetheless, there are four issues that should give District 19 voters pause. One, she has the Idaho Freedom Action endorsement, which is the PAC of the Idaho Freedom Foundation. Two, she doesn’t believe in letting Idaho women make their own reproductive decisions. Three, she supports public money for private and parochial schools, and four, she ”…hope(s) that a chapter of Moms for Liberty is started in Boise soon.” Moms for Liberty is a radical right group that disrupts school board meetings with various extremest right-wing talking points.

Please do not be fooled. Ms. Moss is out of step with District 19 values. Sen. Melissa Wintrow has been an effective leader for the district and has earned our continued support.

Tim Teater, Boise

Sen. Crapo

In viewing Sen. Mike Crapo’s TV reelection ads, I’m struck by the crass negativity, predictable finger-pointing and outright lies by this career senatorial back-bencher. In this nation’s four years under the Creature from Mar-a-Lagoon, illegal immigration was not resolved, the Middle Eastern and Afghanistan problems were basically ignored, the Creature threatened to pull the United States out of NATO and almost did, various workable treaties were torn up for no apparent reason, and tough talk to China was just that, tough talk. The Creature transformed into a church mouse whenever Putin’s name was mentioned, and he “fell in love” with North Korea’s murdering dictator. With warp speed the Creature signed the biggest tax break for the rich and corporations in history, spent billions on an unworkable border wall that made the contractors filthy rich, instructed his minions in the House to relentlessly investigate Secretary Clinton, then he ended up being impeached twice. However, the Creature still found enough time to fly to the Lagoon to play golf with his swamp buddies. And what was our esteemed senator doing all this time? Listening to talking points from Nazi radio and nodding his head in agreement with anything the Creature said.

Tom Yount, Boise


I am writing this letter in support of Tom Arkoosh for attorney general. Having worked in the attorney general’s office for several years, it is very important to have an attorney general who is unbiased, well-versed in the law and willing to take a stand when supporting or opposing a law. This office requires a legal mind to explore all reasonable options and laws, not one that listens to only one side of the equation.

Tom Arkoosh, with his experience as a prosecutor and with more than 40 years in the legal profession, will represent every Idahoan fairly and responsibly. He will not cater to special interest groups or fringe partisan politics. He is fair, independent and very well-qualified.

Please vote for Tom Arkoosh for attorney general.

Lori Mann, Boise

Land Board

The Idaho attorney general is a member of the Land Board that makes decisions about Idaho’s forest and rangelands. Do you want to have access to lands that you have enjoyed for generations?

Tom Arkoosh supports keeping Idaho’s trust lands in state ownership, not selling them to the highest bidder. Tom wants to continue working with the U.S. Forest Service on sound multiple-use management, not turning that land over to the state.

Raul Labrador advocates transferring federal lands to the state, which has a constitutional mandate to make money from such lands. Much of that land is not suitable for the intensive management that would earn money for the state’s endowments. So it could be sold or traded to private parties. Then that land would no longer be accessible to the public.

Tom Arkoosh believes that keeping the trust lands in state ownership and keeping Forest Service land in public ownership is critical so that future generations can enjoy access for the hunting, fishing and other recreation activities that we all treasure.

We are two retired foresters (state and Forest Service) who think a vote for Tom Arkoosh is a vote for public access for all.

Jeff Canfield and Chris Vetter, McCall

Looking back

Since Former President Trump refuses to stay out of the news, a few questions come to mind:

Did Mexico ever pay for the wall? Why not? Did Obamacare ever get replaced with something better and cheaper? What does it mean when most of your lawyers need lawyers? What resulted from four years of infrastructure week? If you claim to be a “very stable genius,” can you be either? Do you know anyone else that had a university and a charity shut down for fraud? If Trump “fell in love” with one dictator, was he merely flirting with the others? How do election deniers feel in finding that the fraud accusation plan was written long before the election? How many bankruptcies would indicate a failed businessman? Should the Afghan government have been included in Trump’s withdrawal agreement? Should Fox News be used as an employment agency? Can you name a Republican immigration reform plan from the last 25 years? Did Trump unite the country on any issue? Was America more trusted and respected when he left office? How did that “drain the swamp” work out? May we please have our flag back? It needs to be cleaned.

Mark J Bussolini, Boise
