Don’t let Fort Worth Stockyards apartments price the rest of us out of the market

The opening of the Hotel Drover, at 200 Mule Alley, and new attractions in the Stockyards made north Fort Worth a regional tourist and shopping attraction. (File photo)

Priced out of the market

We knew it was coming. Many of us attended the initial meetings about the Fort Worth Stockyards, trying our best to keep it “our Stockyards”. Regardless of our efforts, some proponents we counted on caved, the money took over, the hotels were built and it became too expensive for most of us even to take our out-of-town visitors to see.

And now they want to ruin it completely with a huge row of apartments overlooking it all? (July 20, 1A, “Residential development proposed at Fort Worth Stockyards”) It sounds to me like those with money want to make Fort Worth the new Dallas. Where do we go when this city is too rich for us?

- Beth Engelhardt, Fort Worth

How about giving a little back?

Texas is rolling in taxpayer dough, so here’s a hot idea before legislators can gather at some money-grabbin’ special session and squander the extra billions: Freeze taxes and send every Texan a gift card good for a tank of gas, plus another card for the kiddos to get a Texas-size, icy-cold Slurpee.

Cool idea, huh?

- Roger Summers, Arlington

The key word here is ‘choice’

Having read Nicole Russell’s July 17 column, “Here’s how a Fort Worth pregnancy center tries to help women as Texas bars abortion,” (5C) I agree that pregnancy centers should provide care for women choosing to have a child. They also should provide evidence-based health information in a nonjudgmental way. Given choice, some women will choose to have a child and others will not.

Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion in every case. The emphasis is on choice.

- Loveta Eastes, Benbrook

It’s time for the men to step up

This sentence from Nicole Russell’s piece about pregnancy counseling centers struck me: “Surprisingly, just under 30% who show up are married.” I offer that many of the unmarried 70% are in relationships with men who do not care about consequences of unprotected sex.

I pray the new abortion environment will influence a change in behavior of these men. Women do not get pregnant by themselves. It is past time for men to assume responsibility for their actions and respect their partners’ needs and concerns.

- Paul Park, Fort Worth

How to lower your tax rate

Every news story I read about increasing property taxes blames higher property values. Then there is a discussion that we need a state income tax or some other tax to help offset this increase.

Your property taxes are simply the assessed value of your property multiplied by a tax rate. Have your school board members or City Council lower the tax rate to keep your tax bill the same.

Another tax solves nothing. Your house going up in value is a good thing. And if real estate goes down in value, officials will increase the tax rates. So why shouldn’t we expect a significant tax rate drop to keep our taxes similar to the previous year?

- Frank Wagnon, Southlake

Leaders can’t let Texas dry up

This is one of the hottest and driest summers on record in Texas. Communities are running out of water. We aren’t willing to change our behaviors, so we should start building desalination plants on the Gulf and water pipelines throughout the state.

It is clear that Republicans aren’t willing to limit growth, but all the new people and businesses moving to Texas to stimulate our economy are going to need water.

If Mother Nature can’t provide, it’s up to Gov. Greg Abbott and the Legislature. And the time is now — before there is no water.

- Deborah Danzeiser, Arlington

Here’s who is funding O’Rourke

As it stands, more than half of Beto O’Rourke’ s campaign donations are coming from out of state, and George Soros donated $1 million to his campaign. That’s all you need to know.

- Donn Caldwell, Fort Worth

Secret Service shouldn’t cover up

The latest Secret Service scandal is more proof that corruption in the service is marrow deep. Its mission is to protect the president against all comers, even those within the government. The mission is not to advance his policies, promote his ambitions or satisfy his libido.

Covering for a president’s crimes and sins goes back at least as far as the Harding administration, but it’s never been as blatant and corrupt as deleting evidence in a congressional investigation. The entire service needs a reset.

- Paul R. Schattman, Arlington
