Dogs’ Precious Way of Welcoming Stray Pit Bull to the Family Is Everything

CC Diego Thomazini/Shutterstock

Taking in a dog in need is something that can save their life. Many people rescue dogs and keep them until they can be fostered or adopted into a forever family. These people are angels! Ash is one of those people, and she shared a video on May 11th showing us all why she will never stop rescuing dogs in need.

The video is short and shows a Pit Bull sitting on the floor. The video overlay explains that the dog was rescued after being intentionally throw out into the snow by its owner. Watch as her other two dogs gently welcome the new dog into their home.

This melted my heart! It was like Ash's dogs knew that the other dog was scared and unsure of the situation and they were so gentle with it! People left close to a thousand comments about the beautiful scene. @stevehutch12 shared, "The feeling of being accepted after that has to be a great thing for the dog, it would be to me." @feralsleeper swooned, "They’re being so gentle with her!!" and @StarBabe added, "You can stay wiff us now don’t be sad no more!"

Related: Stray Dog's Instant Bond with Little Girl Is a Happy Ending in the Making

What to Do If You Find a Stray Dog

Stray dogs are a problem worldwide. Many of these dogs are abandoned by their owners, are born on the streets, or have lost their families by accident. Most of these dogs are found with no microchip with identification or any kind of ID so that finders can get them back home. Some of these dogs end up in shelters where they will be euthanized if they aren't adopted or rescued in a certain amount of time. That's why people like Ash are so important when it comes to animal welfare.

What do you do if you find a stray dog? Attempting to catch a stray might sound like a good idea, but it can come at a cost because you have no idea what the dog's overall physical or mental health is. You can be bitten or severely injured. The dog may have rabies or be infected with parasites. In short, play it safe and do not try to capture the dog. Instead, contact a local rescue or no-kill shelter for help.

If the dog appears to be healthy, friendly, and non-aggressive, you can try to coax it towards you to see if the dog will come willingly. Many stray dogs exhibit behaviors that show that they are anxious and afraid, while others come from loving families and just want to be cared for. Another Pet Helpful article explains, "If you can determine that the dog is just stressed and fearful you might be able to calm them with food and a steady low voice. If the dog has their ears folded back, the tail is between the legs, and they are crouched down, however, that is the body language of a dog in fear, and those dogs are as likely to bite as strays. If they are loose, they will often be afraid to approach and will not bite, but if you capture a dog like this and they are not able to escape, they will likely bite."

It also explained, "If the dog is very friendly and wants to follow you home, then they might just be lost and need a human hand. Dogs like this will not need to be chased."

Stray dogs can often be helped and can find forever families to call their own. We adopted a rescued puppy, and she's the best dog we've ever had!

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