Dog Psychologist Lists 9 Signs a Pup Isn’t Getting Enough Exercise

Mariia Masich/Shutterstock

How do you know if your dog is getting enough exercise? You might think that your pooch is happy with the amount of daily exercise they get, but they may not be burning enough energy off to keep them happy. Dog psychologists CherryHoggs shared a video on Wednesday, March 20th that features nine signs that your pup may need more exercise.

If you're trying to guess the signs, you probably automatically think of the first two that they list, being destructive and uncontrollable barking. But watch on because some of the signs are surprising!

I wasn't surprised to see whining, but some of the other ones were interesting. I wish that CherryHoggs would've included some tips on how to get them more exercise, how much time a day they should spend exercising, and more specifics on creative ways to exercise your pup.

Related: Dog Trainer Shares Best Ways to Get a Pup Exercise During the Summer

How Much Exercise Do Dogs Really Need?

Believe it or not, walking your dog each day should provide them with all the exercise they need. Many people think that if they let their dogs got out into a large yard that they'll exercise themselves. What they really need it to exercise with you, "Dogs need, on average, a 60-minute walk a day, or if possible, two small walks of half-hour each. This provides the opportunity for the dog to get a good amount of healthy exercise and plenty of mental stimulation as he gets to smell, hear, and see different things than from his yard."

If you're like me, you are probably thinking that there's no way you can spend an hour walking each day. Even if you break it up into two 30-minute walks it might seem like a lot. If you cannot (or don't want to) walk that long, there are other alternatives. Playing games like fetch, a game of soccer, or catching the Frisbee both will burn lots of energy (for both of you!) Another great way to get them some exercise is to send them out to play with the kids. My kids always wear my puppy out!

Still not enough time? Doggy day care will make sure that your dog gets exercised. You can also hire a dog walker to get your pooch's steps in.

Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. Sure they have lots of toys they can play with, but playing with the same thing every day gets boring. Hide and seek, tug of war, and fetch are great ways to keep your dog mentally stimulated. A really fun one that my dog loves is chasing bubbles. She would do it all day if I let her! Food puzzles - like the Kong toys you fill with treats - are also a great way to add mental stimulation into your dog's day.

Owning a dog is a lot of work! You want your dog to be healthy and happy, so make sure you're doing your part to help them live a fulfilled life.

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